Lately I have had small confirmations in how God is with me. This season I have been reminded how God is personal to us. In how our Lord Jesus Christ is Immanuel with us. Jesus has revealed to me, He will not forsake me in my suffering. Jesus is near to me.
Despite what I thought this season would look like God has given me confirmations to know I am not alone. And the setbacks I have faced are a setup for something greater He has in-store for me. It has been quite a year, but I am excited for my book to be published soon. That is a bright hope in this year.
We all need confirmations from God to remind us that He is with us always. Sometimes we just need a sign from God to know we do not suffer alone, but that He is with us in the suffering holding us up as we are refined through it. That we do not have to strive to make it through, but we can know He is they're walking with us.
The thing about suffering we must remember is that Jesus suffered for us so that we could walk in freedom. He died on the cross and rose from the grave to give us eternal life, eternal freedom.
Jesus is our light and His light is in us we carry with us. So that we have His light to see hope as we walk through suffering.
Confirmations given by God reflects that we are not alone in our suffering shows us that we will get through to the other side more refined, brighter, lighter, softer. Suffering can either make us softer and humble, or it can make us bitter, angry, towards what we are going through.
In our sufferings, God begins to show us our need for Him in a different way. That we can rely on Him to come through. God will not fail us. I love how God never fails and is always faithful.
This season I have learned that how much God is in the little things and the big things. That I do not have to feel alone. He is near even when I do not feel it. I realize many of us feel alone, but Jesus is with us. Even when we do not feel it, see it, He is there. When I feel alone I know Jesus is still with me.
It has been a season of learning how I needed Jesus in a different way. Jesus became my comfort and peace as this year went by. He wasn’t just my savior, He is peace, comfort, healer, is what I needed from Him.
Confirmations this year has been words. Words of encouragement to remind me there is hope. They have been numbers on a clock as a reflection of how God completes what He starts.
These confirmations from the Lord has been little things to give me hope when I was trying to strive to do it on my own. Sometimes it was a confirmation to rest in God’s grace not my strength.
This year has been a reminder of how I needed Jesus to be near to me in everything.