The end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025 has started with a bang. There are many hard things I am facing. But despite all of it I have found God faithful in every way possible. He never fails and will not fail me. Even when the enemy tries to lie to me about the faithfulness of God. I know God does not go back on His promises.
The Lord keeps revealing to me that my purpose is very important. That walking in my authority, anointing, to become set apart is groundbreaking and powerful. Even though I cannot see all the evidence of it, it does not make it any less important.
The enemy does not want me to step into this and wield this authority. But that is true of each of us as well. Satan is afraid of the power we can wield and he does not want us to recognize the light God has put within us to shine.
What I have been reminded this past week is, the enemy is in it for the long haul to cripple us all in fear. But God has already defeated the enemy once and for all.
We must take authority and the power God has given us to stop the enemy's tactics against our minds.
The fear and doubt the enemy uses against us is the same he used in the garden with Eve. Did God really say that? Yet, we need to realize and have the truth in us to renew our minds so that we can silence the enemy. I was reading a powerful book by Sarah Jakes Roberts where says,
“Think about it this way, You’re more than just a person on a mission to live a good life. When you wake up in the morning, darkness trembles because the potential of your light is so bright that darkness could lose its power. Heaven knows what’s in you, darkness is afraid of it, and for far too long you’ve not realized how truly powerful you can become. Your power may start as a seed, but that seed has victory over every defeat connected to it.”
That is a powerful quote because it reminds us to see God has created us with purpose, authority, and power. We do not have to be afraid of the enemy because Jesus defeated him. It also shows us God’s light is within us ready to shine bright and the Lord is ready to cultivate us to shine brighter for the kingdom.
Besides, the more we sit with the Lord the truth becomes more planted in us that doubt flees. The truth goes from a seed in us to a blooming plant ready to sprout truth to share with others. It is here where the truth goes from a seed planted in us where we recognize our groun breaking power God has placed in us.
In this position we are able to share our power with others so that they can recognize it in themselves. But it all starts with believing the truth and staying in the truth, being in close relationship with God.
The more we draw closer to Jesus, the more we can see the truth and stand firm in it.
“And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord.”
Luke 1:45 ESV
I love this verse in the gospel of Luke because it is a reflection of the faith Mary the mother of Jesus had in the Lord. She willingly did as the Lord commissioned her to do. And Mary went to visit Elizabeth looking for encouragement and confirmation. The Lord gave her these things so that she did not lose faith in what He called her to do.
Every time I look for confirmation and encouragement from the Lord His grace is sufficient for me. He helps me see these things so that I do not lose faith or give up along this journey. The Lord will speak to me through scripture so the truth fills me to the brim. There are times He will speak to me through books, an encouraging word from a friend, Prayer from someone I trust.
The Lord uses all this to help me see His faithfulness, and that I have authority, power, to silence the enemy’s lies. What I have been reminded is
God has not left me defenseless. He has given me weapons and tactics to defeat the enemy. That is how good He is to us. Lord has filled us with the truth to keep us encouraged in this journey.
The Lord has given you ground breaking power, are you ready to tap into it?
Robert, Jakes Sarah, (2021) Woman Evolve, Break Up With Your Fears & Revolutionize Your Life, W Publishing Group An Imprint of Thomas Nelson, Nashville Tennessee
The Holy Bible English Standard Version, Crossway Publishing, Wheaton IL, 2001,