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Living Outside Of Comfort

Elizabeth Hughes

To be quite honest writing a blog was never my intention. This was not exactly inside my comfort zone, its quite the opposite frankly. For a long time people who blogged seemed very brave and bold to me, because they put their work, their thoughts, ideas, and themselves out their for other people to judge and criticize. It always seemed like they were a whole lot braver then me, because I never had the guts to blog or post anything before on the internet. However, here I am now posting a blog post on the internet not just on social media for everyone to see. The reason that I am actually writing this post is because, its not my idea it is God's idea whispering into my heart to share about my journey of faith. To share how he is illuminating and lighting up my life with this love. For years I have struggled to always see others better then me, or I would compare myself to them. A little over a month ago I went to a Women's conference for 20-30's that were pursuing writing, speaking, blogging. Moreover this conference showed that there are more women like me stepping out in faith but may be afraid while there doing it. It displayed that over 700 women are willing to step out of their comfort zones to pursue God even if they might need a little push like me as well. Yet in the end I would always sell myself short of who I am in Christ. Moreover, in ways that I would sell myself short would be to think that others were more qualified to blog, share their faith, or anything for that matter then I could ever do. For example falling into the hole of comparison would trip me up like a stumbling block because the focus was not on Christ but on what I could or could not do. So recently Jesus Christ has been showing me that he has made me complete in him and that he has made me set apart. Which means each and every one of us are made in his image but also we are all one of a kind. It is stated perfectly in Psalm 139, "For you formed my inward parts you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." (Psalm 139:13-14ESV). Besides if he made everyone the same this life would be boring and dull with a lot less humor. The point is we are like rain drops each water but different in our own ways but together we make a whole body of Christ. This is why Christ has been calling me out to be brave to live outside my comfort and to focus on him. To not focus on the worries or what the negatives could or couldn't be, but to lift my eyes to him and see his illuminating light that shines above all else. Meaning to take my eyes and see what is ahead and not what is behind.


English Standard Version Study Bible (2008) Crossway Publishing Wheaton IL,

Photo Credit (2017)



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2017-2021Created by Elizabeth

Pictures by: Elizabeth Hughes


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