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Within Your Hands

Elizabeth Hughes

Let me start this post with a few questions to ask. Have you ever considered how astounding God’s love is? Or how his love can just sweep over you without any notice, but it just takes you in and holds you close? Also have you considered or ever asked yourself this question; is it possible to be outside of God’s hands? Moreover, you’ve probably asked yourself; could God really love someone like me, because I don’t deserve his love? And you’ve probably already asked yourself this question; could I really be safe within God’s hands? Sometimes his love just kind of gets me awestruck in just an instant. Even if it’s only a little thing that happens or if its something someone said. There is just something astounding about God’s love that makes me step back to take it in for a while. It is like his love just sweeps in and surrounds me when I least it expect it that reveals his love is safe. To illustrate, when God’s love surrounds me, it is like his peace washes over me that gives complete comfort. It reminds me that I could never be outside of God’s love because he loves me. So there is no fear or anxiety within my mind just peace. It is like his presence is so known there is no question that it could be anything else. Even if my heart aches or if I am in pain his loves still surrounds and fills the empty spaces with his astounding perfect love that is without fail. Which proves that I could never truly be far from God or from his love. There is a quote by Steven Furtick, that states of how we are in his hands, he says, “Like the loaf of bread in Jesus’s hands as he sat for supper in Emmaus, you are never out of God’s hands. When he takes you out of your comfort zone, you are in his hands. When he breaks you, the pieces of your life are still in his hands. Even when he gives you, distributing you to the world, you’re not far from his hands. And he will eventually receive you back, just as he received his son.”(Furtick, pg.161,2017). For instance, his love is what lightens the darkness of life and his love is like a lamp to my feet so that I do not stumble or falter in my faith. His love illuminates the shadows of life and takes away the dangers of the unknown because he knows all things. However, that does not mean going through life is all sunshine and happy go lucky days. There are days that are hard and full of difficult decisions that are not always black or white. Some days can seem gray like the Midwest sky’s that are not exactly sunny. Which is why God’s love is so important, because it shines a light to the unseen or unknown. His love and truth is like a lamp that proves true and perfect that removes the fear. In Second Samuel it says, “For you are my lamp, O LORD, and my God lightens my darkness. For by you I can run against a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall. This God-his way is perfect.”(2Samuel 22:29-31ESV). Furthermore, his love is so astounding because it is faithful, and illuminating. It is like a lamp casting its light into the hidden places of my heart that wants to hide. Yet his love and light is not frightening but instead it is trustworthy. Think of it this way; his love is what holds me together when everything is falling apart, and his love is what I cannot completely measure because it is so vast. His love is what untangles the messes that I make. Also his love is what illuminates what I cannot see and reveals it. Most of all his love makes me safe within his hands. References: English Standard Study Bible (2008) Crossway Publishing, Wheaton IL Furtick, Steven (2017) Seven-Mile Miracle, Journey Into The Presence Of God Through The Last Words Of Jesus, Multnomah Publishing, New York, NY,

Photo Credit (2017)



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2017-2021Created by Elizabeth

Pictures by: Elizabeth Hughes

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