In last weeks post I talked about Job and the questions that I had surrounding that story. Yet there are still something about the story of Job that is still baffling in a way. However, before I get to far, I have to say something and pose a question. Have you ever felt like you’ve failed? Or if you’re a woman you’ve probably said to yourself “oh I am that girl”. The girl or woman who’s failed to many times, or who has said the wrong thing, or done the wrong thing. So if we’re completely honest with ourselves each and everyone one of us have a moment or thought of being,“that girl” or “that guy” in the story of our faith journey. Meaning it seems like nothing goes right, or you can’t seem to do things right. Or it could be for instance that like you’re the girl who is the last picked in sports, or whatever the case is, you think God couldn’t use me since I am so unworthy, so insignificant, to be used by God. You’ve probably said to yourself, “How could God use someone like me who is so flawed?” How could God entrust me to do something when I’ve failed so many times? Yet, God used someone like Job to prove faithfulness and spiritual integrity . He used him to be an example of faith and obedience even though he didn’t understand God’s purpose he remained faithful and did not sin. God chose for Job to be tested because, He knew he would remain faithful, and that his faith would not waver even if he lost everything or everyone. In the second chapter of Job, God speaks to Satan and states how faithful Job is. He says that,“And the LORD said to Satan,“Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, who fears God and turns away from evil? He still holds fast his integrity, although you incited me against him to destroy him without reason.”(Job 2:3ESV). God used Job that man, just like he uses all of us. He uses the “that girl” or “that guy” of each of our stories. He takes the imperfect people he loves and entrusts them with the deposit of his love, and gospel. It is just like how Paul encouraged Timothy to stand firm in his faith and further the gospel. To hold fast to the deposit of the gospel and to not let it get watered down but let the truth stand firm unwavering. Paul knew within his spirit Timothy would remain faithful. He says, “Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me, in that faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you.” (2Timothy1:13-14ESV). To be transparent their have been times where I’ve struggled to see how God use someone like me. Or I’ve questioned why would he choose someone like me to speak of his love, when there are so many others that could do it. I’ve asked the question why would he choose “this girl” to be entrusted with His truth? And then I remember it’s all because of his love, and how He uses his love to display through my human weaknesses for his glory. It is then that I remember that God has not forgotten me, and will not forget me, because of his love for me. It is then the “that girl” thoughts fall away and his love fills the empty spaces of my heart. Furtick, makes a great statement in his new book about being saved. He said, “Remember that you and I are under the same sentence as these criminals. Our sins deserved full punishment, and we had no hope of getting out. But Jesus remembered us. That’s what it means to be saved. It’s to be delivered from the dungeon where we deserved to be placed. It’s not to be forgotten by God.”(Furtick, pg.50, 2017). It is then that God calls me out to let go and remember that he's not forgotten me. It is there in the moments of struggle that God calls me out to remain faithful. It is there that God calls me to trust what He’s entrusted to me and let him illuminate the steps ahead. So I’ll leave with this, what is He calling you too? His love can be entrusted…. His love is lit with a fire to remember.... References English Standard Version Study Bible(2008)Crossway Publishing, Wheaton, IL, Furtick, Steven(2017) Seven-Mile Miracle, Journey Into The Presence of god Through The Last Words of Jesus, Multnomah Publishing New York, NY, Photo Credit (2017) wix.com