Today I’ve been pondering how life is so messy and how things can become muddled or distorted. For instance how a dirt road becomes muddy after the rainfall and the water is murky. So you can’t fully see through the muddy, the murky water, but you know if the rain didn’t fall it would be bone dry. How life can just be plain messy just like life was messy for David in the Old testament. David messed up so many times, yet he kept coming back to God. He kept coming back even when life was messy and even in the worst times he didn’t give up his faith, but continued to followed after God because he loved God. He wanted to know God and the truth. He wanted to be known for loving God because his heart was after God’s own heart. So there’s something about Psalm 51 that is truly wonderful in how David asks God to forgive him. “Create in me a clean heart, O God and renew a right spirit within me.”(Psalm 51:10ESV). What is so wonderful about this verse is that David is asking to be cleaned from his sin and to be put back in right standing with God. To be quite honest David was not perfect and he messed up but he loved God with his whole heart. This would be completely humbling if I could be known for loving God this way. To leave a legacy of loving God with complete abandonment takes a leap of faith despite this fallen muddy world we live in. So if you have not noticed I love putting quotes in my blog post to encourage and to make a point. Please forgive me if I used an author multiple times or even often. But sometimes someone says something so beautifully that it should be shared with others. And sometimes someone says something so awe inspiring that could not be said more perfectly. Angie Smith says, “But I do believe God is good, and like David, I want to be someone known for the way I love Him.”(Smith, pg.99, 2016). It would be astounding to be seen as someone with complete faith and for rightly dividing the Word of God.To be seen as a communicator that is effective and connected who is not afraid to speak the truth. Who is a woman ground in her faith and who is not afraid to find love in every part of life. For example loving God is the easy part, but teaching the Word of God and being able to rightly divide it is just plain scary because of the fear of failure. There's always that fear of messing up and saying the wrong thing. Yet, when I think about it God’s word can stand alone it is steadfast and it is purely sufficient all on its own. There is something in Beth Moore’s Bible study Entrusted that has stuck out to me. She said, “We must hold tightly to the Word of God, rightly dividing it and accurately teaching it. Scripture is our concrete in a world of mud. The church without the Bible has no floor. The Jesus-follower without the Bible has no feet. We stand on the authority of the Word of God or we won’t stand at all. We must not add to it. We cannot subtract from it. Nothing overrules it. No prophetic word compares to it.”(Moore, pg.175, 2016). The reason these words have stuck out to me, is because they ring true. There is nothing that compares to the Word of God, and nothing can take its place. No matter how murky or muddy this world becomes or looks, the Word of God will still stand and God’s love is still left standing when everything else falls away. Which can make communicating the gospel scary at times, yet without it I have nothing to stand on. So I guess my point is to hold fast to the truth I must seek God with a clean heart and continue to seek Him out like David did and not give up. References Moore, Beth (2016) Entrusted, A Study Of 2 Timothy, LifeWay Press, Nashville TN, Smith, Angie (2016) Seamless, Understanding The Bible As One Complete Story, LifeWay Press, Nashville, TN, Photo Credit (2017) wix.com