So this week I’ve still been pondering about trusting God. In how there is still a struggle in trusting that God will act on our behalf even though we are faithfully serve Him. It is like we are waiting for the other shoe to drop, yet in the back of our minds we understand that God is good and will be good to us. However, sometimes we have a lack of seeing what God is doing in what we cannot see. For instance trusting God with the desires of our hearts is like jumping off a diving board, because we just have to have faith that God will come through and that our desires will line up with his will. The reason it is like jumping off a diving board is because, we have to submit our desires to his will and that means trusting Him with what is dear to our heart. Which means taking a leap or jump of faith outside of our comfort zone in trusting Him. In the book of Psalms David talks about trusting God and the desires of our hearts. “Trust in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act.”(Psalms37:4-5ESV). Thus, if we trust in God and commit our way to Him, then our hearts will desire what is good and righteous. Also if we delight in Him, then our desires should align with Him as well. Yet, this is not necessarily easy to do, since we sometimes want to do things a certain way or because we are selfish at times. Although another reason trusting God at times can be hard is because, we are unsure if God is going to act according to our time table. So sometimes pride can get in the way if it’s not selfishness, when we as humans fail to trust God with our hearts desires. Nevertheless, if we commit our way to God he will act, because he has proven himself trustworthy. This is something we have to believe completely and take it seriously that he will act. It is a relief to know that God will act all the time not just half the time, but every single day he will act because he is trust worthy. It is also a relief to know that I can trust God with my hearts desires and with my longing. Even when it is something that I truly desire and would love to have. It is good to know that, He will give me the desires of my heart and fill the longing in my heart when I delight in him. In Psalms it also says, “The LORD is righteous in all his ways and kind in all his works. The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desire of those who fear him; he also hears their cry and saves them.”(Psalms145:18-19ESV). Therefore, my heart does not have to worry because God is trustworthy. Nor does my mind need to worry over what is to come or what will not come, because God is kind in everything he does. And he will act on my behalf. This is something that I need to get deep in my bone marrow, because at times I struggle to see how God will act or how he will give me the desires of my heart. Yet I do understand he will act according to his will not my own, and on his time table not mine. In the end I can dive into trusting God, because he has proven himself trustworthy. So are you ready to dive into trusting God with your desires? References English Standard Version Study Bible (2008) Crossway Publishing, Wheaton, IL,
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