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Coffee & Mazes

Elizabeth Hughes

To give fair warning you may want to have a nice big cup of coffee before you start reading this blog post, because you might need it before the end of this. Just because I am writing about trust again. Big shocker I know. Maybe I should have left the coffee reference out, since I love it and could talk about it all day long. Well, it’s to late now. Relatively, have you ever thought about how trusting God is like turning on a light. For instance when you turn on a light you have to trust that it will light up and illuminate the room with light. It is like you have to trust that the light bulb will work, or that the candle will light up from the flame of the fire. The point is you have to trust that the room will light up from the light that is given whether from a light bulb or candle. Similarly, trusting God is like trusting someone else to make your coffee. For example they have to learn how you like or what you want in your coffee, whether its straight black, or with cream and sugar. So just like we as Christians have to learn how to trust God with our lives, and our hearts desires. It comes down to trust. On the other hand when trusting God you have to trust that he will lead you in the right direction. You have to trust that he will guide you into truth and into what is good. Also within my life trusting God is like walking down the path of life trusting that he will light up parts of the path that are dark. That the light of God’s truth will illuminate what I cannot see and what I need to see, and that God will show or reveal to me what he is teaching me as well through the Holy Spirit. In the book of Psalms it says, “The unfolding of your words gives light, it imparts understanding to the simple.”(Psalms119:130ESV). It is like going through a corn maze and trying to find your way out, but you have to trust that you will not get lost, but find the end of the corn maze instead of getting lost. Thus, trusting God is about seeking out how his words unfolds light. How his words brings to light what was once hidden in my own heart, or what I could not see. Indeed trusting God is learning to understand his word and his character as well. In comparison, I remember this time in college when I had to go into a corn maze with some of my classmates from college for this class we were taking. Plus everyone was split into different teams of four people, yet the catch was one person from each team had to be blind folded, and the second person had to lead the blind folded person, the third person had to lead the group, the fourth person was there to mislead the rest of the team. However, if you can guess I was one of the people blind folded of course. To be quite frank I didn’t want to be blind folded because I did not like being blind folded, and I’ve had this fear of being lost in a corn maze ever since I was a kid. Also, I remember while being in the corn maze of holding onto the person who was leading me through the maze kind of tightly, because I was nervous and a little scared. Just because I did not know this person very well we were classmates but that was it. Moreover, this person tried to reassure me while we were in the maze with our team, but I still wasn’t sure I could trust or feel safe until I was out of the corn maze. So I was not exactly thrilled at this idea, but I did make it out of the maze. Nevertheless, looking back I did realize this was a trust excise for our college class to not only trust each other but see that God is trustworthy as well. Learning to trust God is about learning look to see light of his truth and seeking it out. In the book of Psalms it gives a perfect example of how God’s word brings to light what we need to see or understand. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”(Psalms119:105ESV). So in essence God’s Word will continually lead us back to the truth whether we realize it or not. His Word will lead us back to see how faithful and trustworthy his love is. The point is and what I am embracing to see is that, God will not fail, nor will he disappoint me. His plan or will may not be what I expect to happen or unfold, but his steadfast love continues to surprise me in what he has done or is doing within my own life. Moreover, for example trusting God, is like learning to salsa dance you have to be on beat with the rhythm of the song. He is the song and rhythm and I am learning the steps to stay in sink with him. On the other hand, if you get off beat you can stumble or get lost and not know where to go from there. The reason I use this example is because, trusting God is stepping out in faith to what is outside of our own comfort zone to believe God for the impossible. It is also about trusting his plan is far greater then what we can come up with on our own. Reference English Standard Version Study Bible(2008) Crossway Publishing, Wheaton, IL,

Photo Credit (2017)



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2017-2021Created by Elizabeth

Pictures by: Elizabeth Hughes

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