So last week I posted about being known by God and how exciting it is to be known by Him. However, this week I want to write about how God wants us to know Him above all else. And how he has a jealous love for us, that no other love can compare. To illustrate God wants us to know Him, that there is no mistaking who He is and what His character is. In Isaiah it says, “Thus says the LORD, the king of Israel and his redeemer, the LORD of hosts; I am the first and the last; besides me there is no god. Who is like me? Let him proclaim it.”(Isaiah 44:6-7a,ESV).
The very thought of there being no other god as powerful as the Lord almighty is quite powerful and staggering. The reason it is so powerful and staggering is because, there is no other that could ever come close to being compared to the Lord almighty. Also, another point is there is no one else that could ever be like God since he is our redeemer. Think of it this way, there is no other who consistently loves us unconditionally, nor is there anyone else who is completely faithful to us with their love. Everything and everyone falls short in comparison to God. There is no other absolute truth expect for God and his word, so that means his truth the living and active word stands alone.
Evidently, when we know God more, there is no mistaking who He is, because the doubts, or fears, or questions, will fade away. And the Holy Spirit will guide us into submitting to God and being obedient to him. The point is when we know God truly know him, then we will not question who he is, because we understand him. Isn’t that amazing that we get to love a God who is the first and the last. He is the redeemer that saved us from sin. He is also the one who blots out our transgressions and remember them no longer. In Isaiah it says, “I, I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins.”(Isaiah43:25ESV). This blows my mind that God does not remember my sins anymore. The reason it blows my mind is because at times it is hard to understand how God could love someone like me who is human, who makes mistakes, who says the wrong thing at times, or who is completely messy. I have probably said this before, but it is true. Sometimes my human limited mind cannot fully comprehend how staggering God’s love is at times. Or how he wants or desires for me to know him so intimately.
Basically, the redemption of God’s love is completely overwhelming and full of mercy. In comparison, it is also overwhelming because at times it can be hard to understand how or why God forgives us the way he does, even when his people fall short or fail so many times, but he still forgives even when we do not deserve it. To put it bluntly when God is known by us, His love becomes captivating that our hearts do not look anywhere else but to him. There is something so subtle about God’s love that draws our attention back to him, that our hearts crave his love. His captivating love that fulfills out hearts and souls. Although there will be distractions and can or will try to draw our attention or draw our attention from needing God, yet we still have to be committed and faithful to our relationship with God. References English Standard Version Study Bible (2008) Crossway Publishing, Wheaton IL,
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