It dawned on me this week how distinctive God’s voice is. For no one else compares to His voice, because he is the good shepherd. Have you ever thought about how amazing it is that we get the privilege to hear God’s voice. Even if his voice comes in just a faint whisper to us, we can still hear it. Although we have to pay attention to it, otherwise we might miss what he is whispering into our ears and heart. The point is we not only get the privilege of hearing his voice, but we also get to learn how to recognize his voice and understand it is Him. For instance have you ever thought about when your on the phone with someone you know like family or friends and you pick up the phone right away you know who it is, because you recognize who it is. Moreover, the reason you recognize their voice is because their voice is familiar or they might have a signature thing they do before they hang up. That is exactly like how we should recognize God’s voice. There should be no doubt in our minds that it is His voice, when we hear it. The great thing about God and his voice is that he does nothing to disguise it, or distort it. It is plain and simply His voice. Furthermore, as Christians who seek to know God’s voice we learn to recognize what is the truth and what is not. Also we learn how God sweetly speaks to us in a way where we begin to know him intimately. Thus the point is, we learn that God’s voice will become second nature. Meaning it will not be strange to us, nor will we run away from hearing his voice because we will know it beyond a doubt. In John chapter ten it says, “But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him the gatekeeper opens. The sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. A stranger they will not follow, but they will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers.”(John10:2-5ESV). These verses have literally jumped off the page, because they remind me that God’s voice is so unmistakably known by those who love and follow him. Also he knows us all so well that He calls us by name, and that helps us to recognize his voice as well. Additionally, these verses have stood out to me because they are a reminder of how God’s voice is so familiar, and so distinct in how he speaks to us. For example God corrects us with love, with discipline in a way that does not humiliate or diminish who we are. But instead validates who we are in Christ, and shows us how to flee from sin by speaking to those who love Him with the correction of a good shepherd who leads them into truth. To be quite honest there is something comforting in hearing God’s voice, that calms my spirit with peace which makes my worries and fears fade away. It is like His voice is the voice of a calming Father who is calling me to become the woman He has made me to be. However, that is kind of a scary thought, because at times there are fears that hold me back. Like the fear of loneliness, but I also know that God is good and only has good things in store for me. So then I question how could I be alone when God is with me. Yet, I also know that God’s love is the only thing that can truly fulfill me, because no job, nor even finding someone to love or even the thought of marriage could ever fulfill me like God’s unconditional love can. And hearing his love spoken over me, with His sweet calming voice is the one thing that can truly lead me back the truth. Moreover, these verses are reminder that my heart can only serve one god. Also it shows that my heart cannot follow a stranger, because God’s love is truth. It is His love and grace that frees me from sin, no one else can save me, and no one else can fulfill me, or complete me, like the love of God. And His voice is the only one that leads to truth. So if there is anything that is hindering you from hearing God’s voice clearly, then lean into his Word and keep seeking Him for the truth. References English Standard Version Study Bible (2008) Crossway Publishing, Wheaton, IL,
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