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A Fathers Love

Elizabeth Hughes

So, this week I have been pondering the question of how powerful is a father’s love? The reason I’ve been pondering this question, is because God keeps bringing it to my attention every time I turn around. For example not just in my life, but also with people in general who I encounter on a daily basis. From seeing different families out in public places, to having complete strangers tell me about their background. Or if you’re a person like me who watches people interact generally with each other then you would probably notice how a fathers love can impact a child in a positive way or even a less then positive way. The question then is, have you ever thought about how powerful God our heavenly Father’s love is, or for that matter how our flesh and blood father’s love is? For instance a father’s love to a daughter is very powerful, in how a daughter see’s herself through her father’s eyes. In a practical sense if a father encourages, builds up, and regularly speaks positively of a daughter, then she will see herself in a positive manner. Yet on the flip side if a fathers love is lacking in a daughters life, she could most likely see herself in a less positive manner. Yet, that is not true all the time. As a daughter myself, I can say from experience a fathers encouragement and approval means the world to me. It is like an unspoken bond between a father and daughter that happens when a father speaks encouragement to a daughter, she then can realize or see that she has done well. There is something significant about having a fathers approval to a daughter that gives her peace in knowing that she is worthy and honored in his sight. But that also goes along with a fathers encouragement to a daughter, that gives her confidence to believe she deserves to be loved. In essence there is something that happens when a daughter has the encouragement or the approval of her father that drives her to please him, but also that drives her to honor him. Also even if a father is encouraging or pours into his daughters life to build her up, there is also so many aspects that try to devalue or shame a daughter into believing that she is not enough like from the world with magazines, ideals from movies, social media. Yet, your probably wondering what does that have to do with a fathers love? Obviously, our heavenly Father sees the value in a daughter and will honor her with His grace and mercy. The point is our heavenly Father will not shame or dehumanize his sons and daughters. To put it basically, God’s love encourages us to see that, He is pleased with us, and he approves of us. Therefore, we do not have to struggle to get God’s approval, because we are made perfect in his sight, adopted into his kingdom and he finds us worthy to love. In John 14 it says,“I will not leave you as orphans,”I will come to you. Yet a little while and the world will see me no more, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. In that day you will know that I am in my Father and you in me and I in you.”(John 14:18-20ESV). In these verse’s Jesus is talking about appearing to the disciples again and promising them the Holy Spirit to come fill them. However, it also reveals that in the promise of the Holy Spirit we will not be left alone and with the promise of the Spirit we are not orphans but adopted by God and called His own. Thus, we will know the Fathers love, our heavenly father, which is so powerful and so fulfilling. Which will also show us how the encouragement of God’s love impacts us to honor him with our lives. So if there is anything that is making you question whether or not God finds you worthy or that you are not approved by God. Then take heart and know that you are precious in His sight.

And if there is anything that is making you question whether or not you deserve His love then have no fear, you are made new in Him, and He sees your value. Most of all if you're a daughter who might be question whether or not you are loved then have no worries, because you are loved by the most high God who adores you, and sees you as beautiful. And I challenge you to embrace His powerful love so that you can begin to see the value you have within God’s eyes. References English Standard Version Study Bible(2008) Crossway Publishing, Wheaton, IL,

Photo Credit (2017)



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2017-2021Created by Elizabeth

Pictures by: Elizabeth Hughes

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