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The Best

Elizabeth Hughes

In reflection of this week giving my best to God has been on my mind quite frequently. For instance not just with the decisions that I make or the choices either. But also giving my best with my actions and my words, in how I treat others, with the actions that I do or the boundaries that are made as well, and also how I reflect God’s love with my words. And I like to think that I am good with words, but there are times when words fail me. Whether I cannot find the right words, or that I say the wrong thing, and then the side of me that wants to please everyone comes out like an awkward roaring lioness that scares people away in the other direction. However, in giving God my best that does not mean that I can run away from things or from people. Instead I have to face my fears head on and also the insecurities that try to haunt me. Also in reflecting upon giving God my best, I cannot let my insecurities plague me with foolishness or irrational fears, by running away from conflict, or even what God could be teaching me. Yet, have you ever had a time when you thought God was trying to speak something or show you something, but you didn’t get it, or it could be you think you know what he’s saying but not sure, but apparently God thinks its funny to torture you with it, that he keeps bringing it to mind in so many ways. Whether it is a person, place or thing, he’ll use anything he can think of to keep reminding you of it. And you’re just like “this isn’t funny anymore” but it still keeps happening. Well, then you are not alone, and just know that it could be a moment of deepening your faith and maturing in your journey of faith. And if you think about it this way, it could be a chance to share your faith with someone who needs to hear the truth and to hear that it’s okay to be human with faults who makes mistakes and to learn from those mistakes too. Moreover, what if God is challenging you to step out and take a risk or maybe he is calling you to come along side someone to listen to them and maybe even encourage them too. What if God is calling you out to a new adventure outside your comfort zone, or what if He is calling you out to be more then you think you can or ever could be. Are you willing to take that chance? Are you willing to risk losing out on what could be God’s best for you, but your too scared to step out in faith? To be quite frank within my own walk of faith, I don’t want to lose out or miss God’s best, because I’m afraid. And I don’t want to be considered a coward from my own perspective, or even God’s. Basically, what my point is, that I don’t want to give up to easily on things, and I want to be willing to fight for not only my faith, but also what’s God’s best is for me. So if anyone is reading this I challenge you to ask yourself are you willing to fight to give God your best? And are you willing to fight for what could be God’s best for you?The point is God has been challenging me to give Him my best in every aspect of my life. Whether that means listening to a friend or giving encouragement, or what I seem to do so easily give people words of affirmation. However, God has been challenging me to do more, by stepping outside my comfort zone and to be willing to go or be where he wants me.

To end this post I am going to share a few quotes from Lysa Terkeurst she says that, “Wisdom needs to be practiced day after day if we are going to know how to apply it to the Best Yes decisions when they come.”(Terkeurst, 2014, pg.105). “Relationships don’t come in packages of perfection, relationships come in packages of potential.”(Terkeurst, 2016, pg.91). “God isn’t afraid of your sharp edges that may seem quite risky to others. He doesn’t pull back. He pulls you close.”(Terkeurst, 2016, pg.144). It is refreshing to know that God isn’t afraid of my sharp edges and that he pulls me close, because there are times where it seems life gets messy and complicated where it may seem risky to others to embrace the sharp or rough edges that are imperfect but with God all things are possible. Even if it seems impossible God is still there within our mess. References, Terkeurst, Lysa (2014) The Best Yes, Making Wise Decisions In The Midst of Endless Demands, Nelson Books, Nashville, Tn, Terkeurst, Lysa (2016) Uninvited, Living Loved Which You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely, Nelson Books, Nashville, Tn,

Photo Credit (2017)



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2017-2021Created by Elizabeth

Pictures by: Elizabeth Hughes

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