What is the difference between a journey and a quest? Is there a huge difference between the two or is it just a small difference? Have you ever thought about how on a quest there are so many questions, yet on a journey sometimes you just feel like your along for the ride? However, there are still questions along the ride during a journey. Just like there are questions on a quest with God. Or have you ever considered that during a journey, you are journeying towards something greater or something that is best. On the other hand on a quest you are searching for answers and for truth that may not be seen on a journey. Yet, a quest could be considered searching for something or seeking for some kind of truth by asking questions or seeking for answers. Whereas, a journey is filled with a trek or voyage towards a destination whether it is known or unknown. Lets be honest there are most days where this journey of faith is filled with unknowns in questions, or even with unknown destinations that seem scary or frightening or even frustrating. But if the truth is truly on my side and the Lord is always with me. Then the path before me, or the journey ahead should be illuminated with light, not with fears, or not with doubt, or not with darkness. But instead with light of the day. It will become lit with the holy light that none can strike out. To be quite frank this journey of faith seems more like a quest then a journey filled with many unanswered questions or unknowns that are lurking in the back of my mind. Yet God is still beckoning me to trust more because he keeps revealing to me how faithful or trustworthy he is. Yet at times I miss the mark or miss what he is showing me completely because I am focusing on the questions whether answered or not rather then focusing on drawing closer to God. The point is more and more God keeps opening my eyes that I can trust him with what’s close to my heart or what I desire most and he will not let me down within my life or within my quest of faith. And that even though I have unanswered QUESTions lately that doesn’t mean that I should drop them completely but to keep seeking asking and knocking before God for the answers. If I do not ask or seek him for the answers then I will not find the answers. However, that does not mean I will always get the answers that i want or need every single time or in my timing. Yet it does mean I can still ask and seek for the answers. Because if I do not go before God, then how can I express my questions or my concerns to God if I do not trust him enough to ask what is close to my heart. The funny thing about asking, seeking, answers to questions before God is that you have to become vulnerable in order to hear or in order to anticipate the answers that are given.
So are you willing to go along this quest of a journey with unanswered questions and all? Or are you willing to lay down those questions and wait for the answers?
Photo Credit (2017) wix.com