In looking back within this past year and even these past few years, I never imagined having to wait as long as I have for some things that I have prayed for. For instance I never imagined that finding a job would take so long, or that it would take even years, but in the end God’s timing proved true to be best compared to what I could have done or would have done on my own. Over all in the seasons of waiting or if you want to call them a quest of waiting, I have learned that God’s word always proves true and that he always keeps his promises. His character doesn’t waver nor does his love. Also I have learned that laughing at God or what he can do, can be dangerous. The reason it can be dangerous is because it is doubting what God can do or will do within your life or what he will do in your life. Moreover, it could be seen as limiting what God can do when he has no limits, because he is limitless. Over and over again God has shown me, and keeps showing me that nothing is too hard for him or impossible especially with what is close to my heart. The point is God keeps His promises and will fulfill our hearts desires when we submit and align them with His word, with His truth. They may not always turn out exactly the way we want them too but they come out better. In Genesis 18 Sarah laughs at God because she can hardly believe the miracle he is going to perform through her life is impossible. It says that, “Now Abraham and Sarah were old, advanced in years. The way of women had ceased to be with Sara. So Sarah laughed to herself, saying After I am worn out, and my lord is old, shall I have pleasure? The Lord said to Abraham, Why did Sarah laugh and say Shall I indeed bear a child now that I am old? Is anything too hard for the LORD? At the appointed time I will return to you about this time next year, and Sarah shall have a son.”(Genesis 18:11-14ESV). Honestly, this would be a hard thing to understand or too take as a woman who is old and advanced in her years to bear a child at this time. Even from a young woman’s perspective this would be a hard thing to understand or believe at first. Yet God promised a child and she did bear the child despite her lack of faith in what God said and promised. If you’ve ever had a time when you heard God speak so bluntly or so clearly to you but brushed it off, or said to yourself “God that seems crazy or unbelievable”. Then you are not alone in that boat, but its what you do in the mean time of that fulfillment that matters too. What I mean is the way you look at it, or anticipate what God said he would do, does show or reveal how much you trust God in your quest of faith. In all fairness this has been a year of learning to trust God with what is close to my heart. It has also been about trusting God with what I’m afraid of and what I cannot control or change, Including circumstances of all kinds in this past year. The point is, this has been a year of learning to trust God what I desire most, but also knowing he knows best and that he will give me what is his best. References English Standard Version Study Bible(2008) Crossway Publishing, Wheaton, IL,
Photo Credit (2017) Elizabeth Hughes