So a few weeks ago I blogged about how secrets manifest and how prayers do get answered. However, this week I am going to write about how when we pray we must stand firm in God’s truth and in what he speaks over us. So if there has ever been a time where God has spoken to you through his word or through the Holy Spirit stand firm and do not waver from it. No matter what others say or criticize it is God’s word his truth that stands above everything else. No matter if people say God can’t speak that way or do that! God can do anything and he can speak anyway he wants too. So if that last statement offends someone I’m sorry but God is all powerful and is mightier than anyone on this earth. Also, if you have ever had a time when you knew God spoke and it seemed liked nothing is making sense trust in him, keep seeking him and don’t give up. And don’t discount that it wasn’t God who spoke because I can guarantee that if He did speak, he will make it known in every way possible even if it doesn’t seem like it is, he speaks to us and he does make himself known. But I also want to share if their have been times when, you're asking yourself what does this look like or where is God in this? Just know he is their behind the scenes working on your behalf working things out for your good, because he is good. Know that God’s character always is the same. It is always good and absolute truth. So when you don’t know where he is at, know who he is, that he is good. Sometimes trying to figure out what God is doing detours us from seeing things correctly or being able to be present in the present moment. Or have you been trying to see the ten steps before taking your next step? then breath deeply and know you are not the only one with a Lit lamp trying to make sure you have enough oil in the lamp to see what is far ahead. Moreover, know his love and character is steadfast never changing. And when things look like there is darkness or seem like shadowy places know that nothing God does or is in the dark. Furthermore, there is a verse that I want to share that has been speaking to my heart. It is one a dear friend sweet sister in Christ and Litle that shared with me an others through a facebook post. And if she reads this post I am not sure if she’ll recognize its her. Yet I want to share it anyways, because God keeps bringing this verse back to mind. It says in, “And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him, if indeed you continue in faith, stable and steadfast not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard, which has been proclaimed in all creation under heaven and of which I Paul became a minister.”(Colossians 1:21-23ESV). The reason I want to share this verse is because, God keeps calling me out to not shift from what he spoke over me and to not waver from it either. But instead to stand firm in it and to keep seeking him with all that I am questions an all. And to also not listen to anyone except Him, because everything he speaks is truth. God is not afraid of my questions and I am so thankful for that and I am thankful that he still loves me despite how him calling me out has been challenging my faith to stand firm in that God’s word does not come back empty whether he speaks through the Holy Spirit, or through the ink of the page of the bible. I have to remind myself His word is living an active, and there is nothing that compares to it. Nothing even comes close. Significantly, there is a quote that I want to share from one of Beth Moore’s bible studies, it says, “When you read the scriptures, believing them with that same spirit of faith Paul talked about, think of the process as inhaling. Then when you speak them, think of the process as exhaling. Get the idea? Nothing supplies more divine oxygen on your quest than breathing in scripture by faith. Subsequently, nothing applies power to your feet like breathing scripture out through speech.”(Moore, 2017, pg.190). So I am going to end with this, Are you trusting God in what he speaks over you? If so are you also being challenged to trust God and not try to figure out his every more, but instead trust the fact that he is good? References English Standard Bible Study Bible(2008) CrossWay Publishing, Wheaton, IL Moore, Beth(2017) The Quest An Excursion Toward Intimacy With God, Bible Study, LifeWay Press, Nashville, Tennessee,
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