For the last couple weeks I have been writing about how God speaks and how he makes himself known to us by speaking to us or through his word. Besides that I’ve also covered how when God speaks his word does not come back empty. So I want to make sure those things are made clear and important because hearing God when he speaks is important. However, for this post I want to write about how to apply it, and how to practically apply it. For instance God can speak in every single area of our lives whether it is looking for a new job, or seeking him in our current job whether to stay or to go, or whether it has to do with motivating ourselves to exercise more, or even within lives regarding relationships like whether your single or married God speaks but we have to be willing to hear and willing to be obedient when he does speak. For example I know plenty of women who are married and have families who are probably exhausted and just want a moment to breath, who are trying to figure out that balance they need. And could be asking themselves, Am I hearing God? But I also know plenty of women okay more like a few who are still single and waiting for that new season of life or new chapter in life to happen. And I admit I am one of those single woman. Yet no matter what season of life your in or chapter, you need to ask yourself, Am I hearing God? Am I trusting God with this? Am I finding joy in this season? Am I being obedient to God in what he is speaking to me? As a single woman myself finding joy in this season of waiting is not always easy. Just because I know God has someone out there for me and I know he has created me to love and craved to be loved. That doesn’t mean the waiting is all sunshine and bubble gum. Sometimes the waiting involves maturing in my faith and growing deeper in love with God before anything else. God wants intimacy with Him first. Just because God wants my heart before I give it for the one worth waiting for. To be honest I’ve never been a woman who dates a lot or goes out with random guys. And I’ve never been the kind of woman who gets a guy, or any guy that I want. Instead I’m more of the kind of woman who would rather stay home with family, then go on an awkward first date. If there was ever a definition of what a “good girl” would look like it would be me. Or if there was ever a definition of “a pure woman” I’d probably fall into that category at least in God’s eyes he sees me as pure. Instead I’ve kept my heart pure from giving my heart away to the wrong man, because I know God has the best man out there for me that he has set aside for me. Instead I know God has asked me to wait for his best and what he wants for me rather then what I want. So in doing that, in being obedient to God I have to find joy in waiting which is not easy. I have to find joy in singleness and grow more intimately in love with God so that I can hear his voice before anything else. So your probably wondering what does singleness have to do with hearing from God? Well, it has everything to do with it. For instance if I do not listen to God in this time of singleness or waiting, and if I do not hear God in this time, will I be able to hear him in a different season of life? Will I be willing to be obedient in different seasons of life if I am not obedient to him now? There is something so wonderful in hearing God’s voice there is something so calming and soothes the soul that satisfy’s the soul. And there is something about trusting God’s voice when he speaks that brings peace when we rely on him. It’s called trusting God and believing he will fill my life, my hands, my heart, with something so good that is beyond belief because he is good. “Trust in the Lord, and do good, dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust in him and he will act. He will bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday.”(Psalm 37:3-6ESV). References English Standard Study Bible(2008) Crossway Publishing, Wheaton IL,
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