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Lit With Fire

Elizabeth Hughes

In learning about how to hear and discern God’s voice, to hear him speak, I have to give God time to answer even if it seems like his answer is delayed, it may just be my prospective that is off and needs to be realigned to see the truth. Also it is about learning to seek God in everything and go to him with every question, with every concern, and with every praise. Furthermore, giving time for God to answer my questions seems like it takes forever, but that is not always true. To be honest waiting for God to answer is hard. It takes diligence to wait, and to anticipate or expect his answers, it takes discipline to humbly wait for his answer. The reason it takes discipline is because, waiting for his response with obedience is not always easy or a piece of cake. Obeying God in the waiting is like waiting in a snow storm or rain storm you have to wait for the snow or rain to clear before you recognize its safe to move forward. Yet if you move forward to soon in snow or rain, you might end up falling or slipping when you did not intend too. The point is you have to wait until you see what is before you and what is ahead of you. Thus you have to remain where you are until you know its safe to move forward. Moreover, in learning to hear God’s voice more clearly. It involves learning to see past half truths to the whole truth, and to recognize when God speaks. For instance when God speaks he will make it known to us, so that we understand. Also when he speaks, he will make it so known to us that there will be no doubt or fear in our hearts. So that we can distinguish it is him speaking. When God speaks our hearts will be at peace because we will know it is him. That does not mean however that we will have all the details. Sometimes all the details are not revealed to us or illuminated before us, because we don’t always need them. Even though we want all the details at once. This can frustrate us and drive us crazy to the point we drive others around us crazy. Also, sometimes waiting in silence in his presence is overwhelming to the point we don’t know how to comprehend it. Where we get to the point we question could this really be God? Is this really you God that spoke this? And then you have all these questions bombard your mind to the point you are a complete chatterbox that won’t shut off. Which brings me to the next couple of questions; Have you ever had a time where your mind is cluttered with questions like a chatterbox? Where it seems like it is never ending questions that keep coming back to you? Or for instance the same questions keep coming to mind about a certain situation, place, or person per say? For example, have you ever had a time, when you asked God a question about something but it seems like he is not answering or his answer is delayed? Or has it ever felt like your on hold waiting by the phone waiting for the answer? This is where I want to know God’s voice, and recognize it so that I know it is truly Him. I want to be lit with a fire to fully know God's voice. The point is within my own walk and journey of faith, I want to know God more so that his voice is clear to me where there is no uncertainty. Basically, it is about learning to know it is truly God who has spoken, not my own pride, not the enemy trying to persuade me by twisting the truth to lies. But instead see the truth in complete clarity. However, this is a learning process and it doesn’t happen overnight but a lifetime of learning and walking with God as he illumines the steps before me and anyone else who trusts their life to hear His voice above the rest of the noise of the world. So my challenging questions are; are you seeking God with every question? Are you placing your questions, concerns, to God? Are you seeking God with the troubles of your heart? Are you seeking God to illumine every step you take? Are you seeking God with the longing of your heart? Are you seeking Him with your heart’s desire? Are you seeking Him to recognize his voice when he speaks? Are you lit with fire to hear his voice ?

Photo Credit (2018)



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2017-2021Created by Elizabeth

Pictures by: Elizabeth Hughes

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