So I can’t believe it’s actually been today a year since I have started writing on this blog page, pouring out my journey of faith with you all. However, last year it was only April Fool’s, but today this year it is Easter Sunday and April Fool’s, yet I can still say no one has ever pulled a prank on me or an April Fools joke, but there is always next year. Today means more this year it is a celebration of my savior being risen from the grave and boring all my sins on the cross saving me from sin. It is the day my savior died on the cross and saved me from myself. From my own selfishness and pride. And his love is everlasting, it is unfailing yet steadfast. Today is the day to reflect on how his love unconditionally is poured out not just on me, but for everyone who accepts his love and turns away from sin. Let me ask this, have you ever thought about how unfailing his love really is. How his love never runs out and never runs dry. Or how he cannot fail. Jesus Christ died on a cross for you and me, he defeated death and he is the victory. There is nothing he can’t do because he is God and his love does not fail. Moreover, I’ve been thinking if someone challenged my faith in what I believe or thought about God, I don’t know if I would have all the answers most likely not, but I would do my best to point them to Jesus. Just because it does not matter if I have all the right answers or not, what is important is that they see God. That they see Jesus as the savior who died for them. It has nothing to do with me at all, but everything to do with God. Furthermore, that being said, reminds me of a question that keeps popping into my head lately which is; So if you’ve ever had a moment where you asked yourself or thought; “does God really have me covered or can God really do that for me” then do not worry and do not fear because he is good and he is love. His love will not run dry or run out. God can and will provide for you, and he won’t let you down. Also know you are not alone, we have all been there and sometimes it takes awhile to grasp how amazingly how he’s got you covered. Even if circumstances look uncertain or wacky know that God is still good and he will work things out for your good. To be quite honest I am probably writing those words not just for you read but also for myself, because we all have moments where we need reassurance from God on how he has got us covered. Or how we need moments of peace to know he has got everything under control, for the moments where we as humans freak out and wonder what Am I doing? Am I still doing what you want God Or God did I really hear you right? Yet if we as humans step back, we might be able to see or say to ourselves why did I worry about this after the fact or after the fact when things change. Sometimes in the moment it is hard to see the big picture because we want to take things into our own hands and fix things. How we think to ourselves oh wait I could do it better than God, but in reality we can’t. We do not have his power or authority, so we need God to do what we can’t and save us. “But the angel said to the women, Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he is risen, as he said, Come see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and behold, he is going before you in Galilee; there you will see him, See I have told you.”(Matt 28:5-7ESV). References English Standard Version Study Bible(2008) Crossway Publishing, Wheaton, IL,
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