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Lit & Looking UP

Elizabeth Hughes

Readers, have you ever noticed during a rain storm for a while things seem dark dreary, and like it is impossible for things to go back to normal. Yet, in the end things do go back to normal the sky gets brighter and the light illumines the darkness. On the other hand, think of it this way, a child who is afraid of the dark who hides under the bed or in a closet will not be able to see the light until they look up or until they walk into the light. The point is we have to keep looking up to God’s light to know his will and to obey it. If we do not we will end up walking in darkness, or in discouragement, or even disappointment, or most of all lies the enemy is trying to convince us of. So if you’re reading this your probably thinking how do we combat this, how do we live in the illuminated light of God’s truth? Well, for starters it begins with; looking up to God for the truth, and then we have to keep seeking him even when we feel disappointment, or even if we feel lost. But also it means keep believing what God has spoken whether in his written word, or what he has spoken to us through the Holy Spirit. Basically it means to recognize the doubt of the lies of the enemy, and to choose to live loved even when we do not feel like it or when we feel rejected. For example Lisa Terkeurst says this; “Live from the abundant place that you are loved, and you won’t find yourself begging others for scarps of love.”(Terkeurst, pg.31 2016). Moreover, from what Lisa says and most of all what God calls us to do is live abundantly in God’s truth, by letting His love illumine what we cannot see. Meaning we must embrace his love and rest in the fact that God will give us what we need. Even if the circumstances look funky or uncertain God is greater then them. Also, we must have faith that despite how things may look or appear God can still use what ever circumstances may be god can use them for our good, and bring good out of them. The point is when we let God do this within our hearts we begin to not expect what people cannot give us, that only God can give us. We begin to trust God’s timing and trust that he will not back down from his promises that he has promised us. Furthermore, this means we have to keep choosing to believe that God will do what he says he will, when we do not feel loved, or when the circumstances look uncertain, we must remember that his love will fill us to the brim. However, we also need to realize that here on earth there are no perfect decisions to be made and that we will fall short. Lisa also says, “There is no perfect decision-only the perfectly surrendered decision to press through our fears and know that God is working in us to bring about good through us.”(Terkeurst, pg. 87, 2014). So do not worry God will use the imperfect decisions, even the not so good decisions and bring about good. Even the mistakes we make are imperfect, because they are considered an error and can still be used by God. Also you’re probably wondering what does living abundantly in believing you are loved and there are no perfect decisions. For instance, when we realize there is no perfect decision and we relax or rest in God’s love, in his timing we can let go of worry, of disappointment or discouragement, because we are not looking at the circumstances or what they circumstances say. Instead we are looking up to God as the answer bottom line. It is when we let go of worry or fear of the unknown that we can embrace God’s perfect timing is now, and is in motion. It is when we let go of all this that we can, embrace God’s trust, that we can relax and know God knows the outcome. How is God challenging you to look up? References Terkeurst, Lisa (2016) Uninvited, Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left out, and Lonely, Thomas Nelson, Publishing, Nashville, Tn, Terkeurst, Lisa(2014) The Best Yes, Making Wise Decisions, In The Midst of Endless Demands, Thomas Nelson, Nashville, Tn,

Photo Credit (2018)



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2017-2021Created by Elizabeth

Pictures by: Elizabeth Hughes

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