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Staying Lit

Elizabeth Hughes

In the last post I talked about being afraid of the unknown and of the dark, but this time I want to talk about how God’s love takes action how his love just does, for instance his love does not make us feel ashamed when we mess up or just completely miss the mark. Secondly God’s love takes action by leading us into the truth, the way, and by going before us. What is so astonishing about how God’s love takes action is because God is not afraid to meet us where we are at, and he’s not afraid to be patient with us when we do not get things or understand things. God’s love just does, and is not afraid to make things known to us, in different ways. God’s love does this by keeping us lit. He keeps us lit by putting his love into action by speaking to us, and through our relationship with Him too, and also through prayer we are kept lit, because there is communication going. His love is tenacious in that he is intentional in revealing who he is to us, and who we are in him. For example in John 14 Jesus reveals to the disciples that he is the way, the truth, and the life, but the disciples did not quite understand what he was saying to them. In John 14 it say’s,“Thomas said to him, Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way? Jesus aid to him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.”(John 14:5-7ESV). In these verses I love how Thomas was so honest with Jesus in saying that he was not sure how he was supposed to know where Jesus was going. And that he needed confirmation on where Jesus said he was going, and what he meant. Another reason I love these verse is because Jesus was patient with Thomas and the rest of the disciples he met them where they were at, and put His love into action by explaining what he meant. Also Jesus loved the disciples so much he revealed to them how he is the “I am”! He’s the shepherd that lays down his life for us every single time, and will go searching for us when we get lost or wander off as lost sheep. He’s also the shepherd that hears our prayers when we pray, and answers them too. God is also the shepherd that when he speaks we will recognize his voice, and know that it is him. Moreover, there is another reason why I love John 14, and that is because there is a part that talks about prayer. In how when we pray to God and when we humbly ask in Jesus name he will listen to us an answer us as well. It says, “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do and greater works then these will he do, because I am going to the Father. Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.”(John 14:12-14ESV). The reason that I love this is because it gives my hear peace to know that God cares about my prayers and wants to answer them, that he is willing to go before me to prepare the way. But also that I can always go before God, and ask him anything or reveal what is on my heart to him. In other terms I have the freedom to go before God and lay whatever is on my heart to him, and I do not have be afraid to say what’s on my mind because he already knows. Nothing is hidden from him. Also, because I can go to my heavenly father and just pour out my heart to him, and that I can just humbly go before him to share how thankful I am for his unfailing love. There is just something so magnificent about how we can go to God and bare our souls to him, and how he knows all our secrets. Moreover, these verse’s are so great because God shows us that when we pray in his name we can pray with his authority, and that we can have confidence in how God hears our prayers. Basically, prayers keep us lit to keep seeking God and depending upon him. Furthermore, there is a quote from Bob Goff that I want to share from his book “Love Does” because I just recently read his book and this part in the book stood out. He says, “It’s a reminder to me that God searches for us, no matter what dark place we’re in or what door we’re behind. He hears our impossible, audacious prayers for ourselves, and others. And He delights in forgiving us and then answering those prayers by letting us return home to Him. It reminds me that when we take Jesus up on His promises, He doesn’t just stand in our lives knocking. He rips our small view of Him and what He can make possible right off the hinges.”(Goff, 2012, pg.182). The reason this quote stood out is because, Bob talks about how something as simple as a door off the hinges can remind us of how vast God’s love does takes action. And how God wants to hear our prayers, but also how he answers those prayers too. References English Standard Version Study Bible(2008) Crossway Publishings, Wheaton IL, Goff, Bob(2012) Loves Does, Discover A Secretly Incredible Life In An Ordinary World, Thomas Nelson Publishing, Nashville Tn,

Photo Credit (2018)



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2017-2021Created by Elizabeth

Pictures by: Elizabeth Hughes

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