In following up from my last blog post about having hearts of truth completely turned towards God without distractions taking our affections away from God. We also need to remember that God uses us the unlikely the underdog the least of all to bring him glory. The point is we must not forget what God has done for us, what he is doing and what he is going to do. Most of all we must remember that Christ calls us to be united in Him not divided or angry with others but receive forgiveness and unconditional love when we need it most. This week in my personal study I have been reminded how God uses the unlikely or the least likely person people think God is going to use or should use to do his will in the book of 2 Kings 11-12 in how he chose a young boy to become king at age 6 or 7. God used Jehoash to become king in a very ungodly time. This young boy who became king followed God and his commandments even though the people were not faithful to God. So many king’s before this young boy did not follow God or his commandments. Thus he is a display that faithfulness to God is not impossible but possible and fulfilling. The one thing I’ve also been reminded of is when we forget godly wisdom or reject it or when we turn away from God then we become like the kings of Israel that did evil in the sight of God. Distrusting God leads to putting trust in other things that do not fulfill us nor satisfy us. And putting misplaced trust in other things and not God is walking in abyss of darkness.Terkeurst says,“If we reject Godly wisdom in our life, folly will lead us to be forgetful of the things of God”.(Terkeurst, 2019). However, if we forget what God has done or is doing or will do. Or if we forget that God can still use us despite what others say or try to limit us to then we are limiting a God who always lights the way for us. His word is a lamp for us a light of truth and directs our steps even though we may not see activity or evidence he is good and working things out for our good. Think of it this way you could be sitting on a beach after the sun has set and now you are not sure which way to go, but you look up into the distance and see a lantern of light a short distance away. So you decide to walk towards the light and realize there are many more besides the first one you see lighting the way back home. So you think to yourself and remember God does have my back and does light the way. It is like in in Psalm 119 it says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path.”(Psalm 119:105ESV). Moreover, it all comes back to either believing and trusting God with everything. It comes back to the question do we trust God even if we don’t see that far ahead and do we trust him with the unknowns. Terkeurst also says, “Just because we don’t always see God’s activity doesn’t mean there is a lack of activity.”(Terkeurst, 2019). Also it is a challenge to believe and remember that God is trustworthy when we don’t see his activity or evidence of his truth in our lives. And it is a challenge to trust God when things don’t go the way we think they would but remain him and abide in his truth. Will we choose to believe that God is still faithful despite what others say about us or don’t say. Will we choose to remain and abide in Christ when we are overlooked or when we are called foolish for believing God speaks to us. Those who choose to abide and remain in Christ, will become so deeply rooted in their faith that nothing can waver their faith. Now that does not mean it will be easy and no trials because life is full of those in this life. But it does mean their intimacy with Christ will be so evident that others will become thirsty for it and maybe jealous of it. That will only display immaturity and lack of faith in God in what God is doing in their own lives and the distrust in their own hearts. I love how in Psalm 119 it goes on to talk about how God’s word and truth gives light. It says, “The unfolding of your words gives light, it imparts understanding to the simple.”(Psalm 119:130ESV). In reflecting about the young boy who became king so young and the rest of the Kings in the books of 1&2 Kings is interesting in how they either followed God and his commandments like the young boy or they completely distrusted God did evil in his sight and took things into their own hands which ended up in folly and division. Their own pride led to their own down fall and their self-righteous attitude towards the people of Israel and God was selfish. They thought they could do better than God instead of relying on God to where they were planted. It is plain and clear what God laid out before them on what to do in order for them to prosper and have His blessing upon their reign. God asked them to believe, follow his commandments, and be obedient to his word whether he spoke directly to them or through a prophet. Yet, most of these kings decided to take things into their own hands and fight with their human power instead of submitting to God. The kings divided the kingdoms and unity was no longer visible. And they also did not stay where God planted them nor did they remain or believe God. Furthermore, they also did not see everything or everyone God placed in front of them to be obedient to Him. The kings in the old testament shut out the truth and replaced it with false truth or simply put lies. They exchanged what was Holy and true for the schemes of the enemy and their own self-righteousness. Thus the challenge for us then is do we remain in the unlikely places God plants us? Will we choose to remain when the soil gets muddy or wet or when God prunes us to become more like him when we abide. Will we choose to remain in Christ when things look uncertain or when we become trampled on by others words that try to entangle us to believe something false whether about ourselves or God. When God plants us in his divine vines no one can move us or misplace us. Now remember God cannot be manipulated by human actions. Thus, when we are planted in him in his word that lights the way nothing can uproot us from the truth. I will share these wise words from Beth Moore that spoke to my heart she says, “You have been intentionally planted. You didn’t land here by accident.”(Moore, 2020). In conclusion, God doesn’t place us places accidentally but purposely with a divine plan that no one knows but him. So we have learn to rely, rest, and bear fruit in his truth and light. We cannot waver or lose sight of what God is doing or where he plants us.
English Standard Version Study Bible (2008) Crossway Publishing, Wheaton ILL, Moore, Beth(2020) Chasing Vines, Finding your way in an immensely fruitful life, Tyndale Momentum Publishing, ILL. Terkeurst, Lysa(2019) A Study of 1&2 Kings Trustworthy, overcoming our greatest struggles to trust God, Lifeway Publishing, Nashville Tn
Photo credit(2020) wix.com