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The significance of Threes

Elizabeth Hughes

In exactly ten days it will have been two months since I’ve fallen and broken my ankle and had surgery for it. To say the least this experience has been humbling and has shown me that not only is God trustworthy but that he always provides even in unexpected ways. This experience has also been humbling to the fact that relying on others can be hard at times because as human beings we like to have our independence when doing things for ourselves. And the fact that three days can change a persons life just like three steps can change things too. Being injured to the point that you cannot get your own food, water, coffee, etc is very humbling to the fact that you have to rely on someone to take care of you. However, God has been showing me that I have to rely on him and the people he places in my life to help support me. Moreover, this fall has shown me new perspective on things and how those who really care about me show it and about how a complete stranger could show concern for me, or how a friend will swoop in and help me up the steps to get to my car, compared to those who claim to be friends but when push comes to shove they run in the other direction because of fear or their own insecurities. Now I am not judging people who run in the other direction, but I do feel sad for them because they are afraid to face truth and afraid to trust God with things completely. Recently in this experience of falling a really sweet kind hearted man who has a tough exterior, but has a big soft heart like a teddy bear told me I must have trouble with threes because when I fell off stairs in a dark stairway I was three steps from the level floor so I missed two steps and fell from the third one. Now I am not one to be superstitious about things I thought it was funny when this man told me this. But that is because I had just taken another fall trying to get in my house and yep it was three steps again go figure. To be quite honest those who believe in superstitions kind of seem silly to me. Now there is a significance of the number three in the Bible. For example in Matthew 26 Jesus tells peter that he is going to deny Jesus three times before the Roster crows. Also in Matthew 27 Jesus foretells that he will rise on the third day from the dead. Of course Jesus is risen and did rise from the dead on the third day. In looking back at the night of my fall and being in the dark stairway there was a fleeting thought that I should have not done down them, but I thought since I was familiar with them it was okay. Yet, maybe God is trying to teach me something by illuminating something I can’t see that seems to be lingering in the shadows. Maybe he is trying to reveal something and bring it to light. Since light casts out darkness and it illuminates the shadowy places of our human hearts that doubt or mistrust what God is doing. Thus, God could be showing me there is no reason to fear and distrust him, but that I can always rely on him for what I need and that he can bring in the right people in my life when I need them. Furthermore, this experience has also shown me that as human beings who believe in God, have faith in him, and who trust him that we cannot go against what God speaks over us and how he speaks it. And we must go where God has called us to not where other people want us. This means we cannot where go where God’s will is not there.


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2017-2021Created by Elizabeth

Pictures by: Elizabeth Hughes

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