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Twenty-nine & Audacious

Elizabeth Hughes

This year has certainly started out crazy and completely unexpected. And not just one thing, but one thing after another has been happening lately. January began with breaking my ankle and having surgery within a week of each other. Then at the end of January my dog died who was twenty-two years old or so and was really part of the family. February began with starting physical therapy and learning to walk again once I was given permission to put weight back on my ankle and foot. Now it is already March and it has been exactly three months since I’ve broken my ankle and had surgery. Which is a good thing, but at the same time it is kind of scary learning to walk again because at times you don’t feel safe or secure nor do you have complete balance yet. It is like being a kid all over again leaning on someone else for strength and support so that you do not fall or fail. But with Jesus we do not fail we are not forsaken nor alone because he is with us. Thus I should not fear turning twenty-nine or being close to being three decades old. But with Jesus he takes away the sin of the world and makes us clean whiter as snow. But with Jesus he defeated death and it’s sting. In this experience of relearning to walk again is teaching me it is okay to need someone else when you can’t do things, because God has placed you in this place for a reason and will provide for you in every way including sending the right people to you to flourish. The reason he does provide for us and even me in this situation is because he loves me whether I am one or 101. God’s love never changes for me and never changes for you either. His love is the same today, tomorrow, and the future. So age is just a number right? It should not bother me or scare me, but God knows my fragile heart in how I take so much to heart. However, my up coming birthday has been on my mind lately because I am turning twenty-nine. It is my last year of being in my twenties and it scares me, because sometimes it seems like everyone else is out playing the game of volleyball of life and I am sitting here warming the bench. Some days it just seems like things try to unravel or come undone and all I can do is hold it together. For instance everyone is either working full time or married or getting married, has girlfriends or boyfriends and I am here single and audaciously working part time all the while waiting to meet that special someone to share my life with and love forever. Now this is not a pity party blog post about feeling sorry for myself about turning twenty-nine instead it is about shifting my focus off of me and onto what God is doing within my heart. Now if you would have asked me a year ago that the world and country would be in a panic over this coronavirus I would have said you are crazy. But with Jesus we do not have to fear because he has given us a spirit of freedom, wisdom, love not of stupidity or fear. Jesus fills the holes in our stories and fills in the gaps that are needed. When life unravels like it is now God does not unravel and nothing is unexpected to him, because he is all knowing. My God is the savior of the world. And God is with me so I do not fear getting older. Remember these things: God is with you God is for you and his love never fails!

Picture by(2020)



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2017-2021Created by Elizabeth

Pictures by: Elizabeth Hughes


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