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Sweet Aroma

Elizabeth Hughes

Right now many souls are heavy with sorrow and pain. And right now many people are hurting and are in pain. This blog post in any way does not make me expert on what is going in this world. However, it is a glimpse of trying to process what is going on and to see the truth. This year has not gone like many people have planned. It has not gone the way I planned at all. This year has been full of good surprises, unexpected surprises and some difficult ones too. It has been full of heartbreak, pain, hurt and suffering. And no I do not understand fully what some have experienced or gone through. Yet, It breaks my heart to see all this division, suffering, injustice, racism, and destruction. It also saddens me to see all these tensions, unrest, division, and conflict. When we are to be one nation under God. Let’s be honest here I do not usually speak out on current issues like these not because I don’t want to, but because I don’t always know what to say. And because something else is usually on my heart to speak out on. Also there is so much conflict right in the way things are being worded right now it is kind of ridiculous. Moreover, it really surprises me when all this unrest started during the pandemic everyone is preaching find peace in Jesus, stay home and really study Jesus, but now everything has shifted to be the bridge and bring down the walls of division. The only thing that is going to bring walls down of division is Jesus because he is the bridge. There is only one way to eternal life and that is through Jesus Christ the Son of God. Furthermore, let me say that we are all created equal in the image of God. We are created in His image not anyone else’s but just His image, and God is the one who made us color blessed. Injustice of all kinds is wrong, even the ones that are not being spoken about, but we have to remember we live in a fallen world full of sin and sinful people. Racism is wrong no matter what fancy name you put on it or change its definition it is still the same and it is wrong. And it should not be a problem in this world but it is. It is just like how stereotypes and misjudgments are wrong. Along with socialism, communism, dictatorship, looting/destroying things, and prejudice is wrong too. Misjudgment of people is wrong when we as human beings don’t give others the benefit of the doubt. We as human beings place judgement on others before all the facts are given and before the truth is seen. Which is exactly what happened to Jesus when he was persecuted by the Jews and the Pharisees. Jesus Christ faced prejudice with the Pharisees, before he died on the cross for everyone’s sins. Paul had prejudice against Christians and was out to kill them because he didn’t believe the truth until he met God on the road to Damascus, It is wrong and not based on truth but opinions presumptions, assumptions, and stereotypes. The gospel was misunderstood and is misunderstood today. Jesus was crucified, he was protested against because they did not want to listen to the truth. The Jews and Pharisees did not want to accept the truth. It is evident through the gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and in the book of John. Yet everyone is guilty of being prejudice at one point or another, and if we say we are not then we as human beings are not being completely honest with ourselves or with God. Also it seems that going around looting during a protest and destroying things only brings damage and disrespect. It does not solve problems but brings more problems into a situation of unrest. Destruction to things or property does not bring respect it unveils immaturity. In looking back through history including biblical history it is seen that protests tends to bring unrest and high tensions but does it drive a purpose or bring confusion? And protests does gets peoples attention but does it truly bring change? Another question is protests, do they accomplish what is wanted or only build flame to the fire of fear? Riots can get peoples attentions but will it persuade people to respect a point of view? Or will it tend to reveal ignorance or immaturity? To be quite frank it is sad to see people today protest and spread more hate against those who chose to serve and protect the community. Are there those who abuse their power and then go out and do injustice against citizens yes. IT is just like politicians who abuse their power as well, or anyone in a role of leadership or position of power. They do have to be held accountable to their actions. Just like we are all held accountable to our actions before God. We all have to stand before God and have to be held accountable. There are still good people in this world who chose to serve and protect their communities. If we as human beings do not look or choose to look at things with a child like faith then this world is going to get a whole lot darker and dimmer because we choose not to see the light of Jesus and the truth.”But Jesus called them to him saying,“Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”(Luke 18:16-17ESV). Whatever remains in the darkness will come to light, and what lies in the shadows will be lit with light of truth. God illuminates what is hidden in the dark and brings to light what needs to be seen. What lies in the darkness with come to light. What lies in the shadows will be revealed in the light of day and the sins of man are laid before the throne of God because he is the ultimate judge. Everyone will have to stand before God and face their sins, and either accept his love or reject it. We are called to be a sweet aroma we are called to be not a sour aroma in furthering the gospel. And a sweet smell, a taste that brings joy and is contagious, that spreads love even though it might be misunderstood and may not be illuminated yet. “But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are the aroma of Christ to God along those who are being saved and among those who are perishing, to one a fragrance from death to death, to the other a fragrance from life to life.”(2Corinthians 2:14-16a, ESV). Compare being a sweet aroma to a fresh cup of coffee or a sweet delicious caramel macchiato that has strong espresso shots smooth foamy milk and salty caramel drizzle on top that makes it a pure blend of sweet, salty, taste that wakes you up to see the truth that is around us. Thus, change, happens from the inside out when God does a change within our hearts and that change builds our character and integrity. There is one thing that I can say is that I want to be a sweet aroma that is furthering the gospel and spreading Gods love because He is the only one who can bring true change. Jesus is the answer and the bridge to break down chains, break down walls and barriers that are physical or emotional. Jesus is the only one who can save and change peoples hearts, but we as human beings have to be open and willing to receive his love and fall on our knees repent of our sins and turn away from being misled by man kind. Jesus is the one who unites us all because we are made in his image. He Jesus the King of the Jews, the Gentiles, every tribe and nation has made us color blessed. Jesus bore the ultimate pain and died for everyone’s sins and rose again on the third day.


References: English Standard Version Study Bible (2008) Crossway Publishing, Wheaton ILL,



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2017-2021Created by Elizabeth

Pictures by: Elizabeth Hughes

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