What does being sensitive to the Holy Spirit mean to you?
Being a "feeler" has always intrigued me but I never fully understood why I "feel" things so deeply. Now I better understand as I have found out I am a "feeler" and can understand why God has given me a compassionate heart towards others. He wants me to draw near to Him and to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
God wants me to open my heart and all my senses to the Holy Spirit in surrendering to His nudging. To walk in the truth and to yield to the Holy Spirit in positioning myself to discern God's voice. Learning to hear God's voice is something so precious and sweet to sit in. By learning to know His voice we are opening our hearts to receive what He is speaking to us.
The question I challenge you with is, do you believe God wants to speak to you?
Do you believe God can speak to you?
"God knows you better than anybody else. And He wants to speak to you in a way that you can understand." James, Goll.
I love that God knows me better than anyone else on this entire earth. In how He knows my every thought and heart's desire. It gives me complete peace knowing God wants to speak to me in a way I can understand. I want to better understand God. I want to discern His voice above everything else.
I hope that you want to know and discern God's voice as much as I do. God speaks in many different ways besides His word which is living and active. He speaks through the Holy Spirit. God speaks through worship and sometimes He uses other people to speak to us. There are times God cuts out the middle person and speaks to us directly whether in an inaudible voice within our spirit or by speaking to us in an audible voice.
Now getting back to how being a "feeler" has given me a compassionate heart towards others and makes me sensitive to the Holy Spirit. At the age of twelve is when I started falling in love with Jesus. It is also when God started speaking to me in worship and in reading His word. This is when God became real to me.
At this time is when God captured my heart to draw near to Him in the good times and the hard times. God showed me His faithfulness in every situation I faced. When I was twelve is when I decided to get baptized and was determined to follow God, not the world.
This is where God started showing up in many different ways and speaking to me. I would sit in my room with worship music on and would hear Him speak or highlight a single word to me. Whether I was reading the Word or if I was to journal my thoughts on paper. At the beginning of drawing closer to God, He made it clear to me that He would not fail me. I remember God would keep bringing this back to me so I would not forget it. God wanted me to understand He can never fail me. It took some time for me to learn this. He would reveal this to me in little things or through a conversation with a friend He would me through them by reminding me how He cannot fail me.
Another way God has spoken to me is through being sensitive to emotions. I will give an example of this. I lost a friend a couple of years ago now and my heart completely broke because she went to heaven. What I mean is after praying for her to be healed from her disease she got the ultimate healing there is by going to heaven to be with Jesus.
My heart was overflowing with emotion but I knew deep down her suffering had ended and now she has peace. I was also experiencing compassion for her family because I knew they would be hurting and the healing process from losing her would be slow. However, I also knew they had peace in knowing she is in heaven.
The point of sharing this story is to understand how God wanted me to pray and intercede for them because they needed someone to cover them in prayer. There are times when we go through things we need people around us to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and to yield His nudging. We need people around us who can discern God's voice to cover us in prayer. In these times we need covering because we are weary—tired and need someone to hold us up.
If I was not sensitive to the Holy Spirit I would not have known what to pray or what God was asking of me. Being sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit allows me to learn more about God and how He speaks to me. The more I lean into discerning His voice the more I know who I am. I do not need to find myself because I find myself in God alone.
I never could understand how people need to go find themselves. But then I think maybe they have not found Jesus or experienced His love. Even if you find Jesus you still need to experience His love because it will change you dramatically for the better. There is something inside of you that shifts after experiencing God's love.
The best example I can give of this shift is of how God can change our hearts from stone-cold hard to a heart of flesh filled with emotion. A perfect example of this is when God changed Saul—Paul (Acts 9) on the road to Damascus and flipped his heart from stone to a heart of flesh. The conviction of the Holy Spirit nudged Paul's heart to be sensitive to hearing God's voice clearly and changed him.
I hope in sharing this something is awakened in you to want to hear God's voice more clearly. My hope is also that you want to become more sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. I hope you are also not afraid of being a 'feeler" if God has given you that gift.
The Holy Bible English Standard Version, Crossway Publishing, Wheaton IL, 2001,
Goll, James, W, The Discerner, Hearing, Confirming, And Acting On Prophetic Revelation, Whitaker House, New Kensington PA, 2017,