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Champion Lit Sisters

Elizabeth Hughes

Champion is such a powerful word in today's world. Most people will link it to Olympic athletes who train for years to be in the best shape they can to win the games. Others link it to other athletes who compete in other games and so on.

Champions are record holders and winners. They are also defenders against rivals who compete against them. Champions are friends who cheer us on to chase after our dreams.

Yet, I wonder how many would link it to championing other believers to keep their faith in God? And not give in or lose their ground in which they have fought to keep from falling into the trap or schemes of the devil.

I wonder how many connect it to championing each other instead of cutting each other down? I wonder how many times pride gets in the way of championing each other whether it is in the form of arrogance or inferiority?

I wonder how many connect it to canceling compared to crusaders for the truth of God?

Here is the deal, I would define a champion as someone who comes alongside you to encourage you in your faith. And someone humble enough to admit when pride has gotten in the way of celebrating with others in their journey of faith. Simply put a champion is a friend.

It would also be someone who puts others ahead of themselves and looks to see how they can help others succeed in their journey with God.

Let's just say I am thankful for all the champion sisters in Christ that I have crossed paths with and where God has had some appointed meetings with each other some in person and some through the connection of social media.

Yes, God can even work through social media to bring people together as friends. Because again I will say God is in the business of connecting people through faith. And God is much bigger than social media too. Because God is not limited to our human fallible minds or perspectives.

Plus God has no limits.

Sit right there for a moment. God is not limited to anything on this earth. Jesus the Son of God became flesh, died on a cross, and rose again. He is the ultimate champion there will ever be. Nothing can compete with Him!

Moreover, I want to say thank you and shout out to all my Lit sisters who have come alongside me in this journey of faith.

And how they have prayed with me, over me, cried with me, praised with me, and called me out to step into God's calling on my life. I want to say thank you to all of them for being supportive, a defender of the gospel, and for speaking and upholding the truth.

Also, I want to say do not get bogged down by the craziness of this world but remain rooted in the word of God. Stand your ground and remain faithful to God. The reward is the presence of God and He is enough.

The presence of God is more powerful than any temporary fix of this world. And His presence is satisfying above anything on earth.

Sisters in Christ I want to share with you, you are a champion not of this world or culture but in God's eyes. You are lovely, beautiful and exquisitely made in the image of God. You will not fit into the mold of this world, but stand out to be an advocate of the gospel.

You may not win medals or trophies but you will gain the biggest reward is sitting in the presence of God. You will not gain the approval of man, but you will gain the approval and attention of God.

You are a champion sister and defender of Christ. You are a warrior.

So I challenge you to champion each other for the love of seeing each other succeed in this journey of faith. The world tells us we need to be self-sufficient and that we should not depend or lean on others. The world and culture try to tell us to champion only ourselves instead of putting others before us.

Yet, God calls us to champion each other and that we need Him.

Let me also remind you pride cannot be a motive to lead or champion others whether regarding arrogance or inferiority. Pride will keep us separated from the presence of God. Whereas, humility is the key to unlocking the presence of God.

I challenge you to continue to champion each other and cheer each other on within the faith. I challenge you to remain grounded in the word of God. I challenge you to continue to be an advocate and defend each other and build each other.

Moreover, the love and care you fellow sisters in Christ have poured out through prayer, and life speaking words to me has changed my life for the better. And it has encouraged me to seek God more diligently.

Although this may seem insignificant, I share this to remind you, your words matter. They have an impact and make a huge difference. Your words have the power of life or death, and they have the power to uplift one another. Do not neglect the impact and the gift God has given you.

Remain faithful to the calling God has put on your life. And remain grounded in your faith with the grit God has given you to withstand the lies of the enemy.

Sisters keep your hearts guarded against pride that tries to hide beneath the surface and let humility come out from being hidden.

Let's admit it we all face the issue of pride and have to come to face with it at one point or another in life. Sometimes more than once, but God can pull us out of the miry pit of pride and all the bitterness baggage that comes along with it.

I will leave you with a challenge to read Acts 1-3, and 9-13.



English Standard Version Study Bible (2008) Crossway Publishing, Wheaton ILL,

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2017-2021Created by Elizabeth

Pictures by: Elizabeth Hughes

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