Light is a very interesting factor in how we use it everyday and how we need it. Light casts out shadows and removes darkness. It is part of the reason why I started this blog to shed light on things and to help others especially other women find the light of Jesus and to help others not follow in my footsteps of insecurity that have actually been miss-steps. So go with me here light takes away the scary ghosts of shadows and brings to light what cannot be seen in complete darkness.

Light Casts out Darkness & removes shadows!
This is exactly what God’s word and truth does for us it exposes what is not right or where we have fallen short of His glory. So the light of God’s word sets us upright and becomes a lamp when we cannot see, or when darkness tries to blind us with lies and deceit.His light is a light that outshines all other lights on this earth. It can withstand storms and never grows dim or weakens. Nothing can withstand the light of God. And If we try to live in darkness then we will not recognize God’s light, but remain blinded by lies and darkness, that will take us down a road we won’t want to go. So like everything else in life we have to decide what we ant to be guided by, and what we want to live by and believe. God can use people to lead us to the light, but he will not force us to receive it, but we get to choose what we want. However, we still have to live with the consequences and choices we make.
For example if we are taking a walk down a road and are suddenly at a cross roads we have to choose which direction we are going to take. It is like how for me, how God’s word and himself are referred to as light and a lamp, because this had always intrigued me to search it out. So in the book of Psalms 18:28 and 2 Samuel 22, it says that, “For you are my lamp, O Lord, and my God lightens my darkness.”(2Samuel 22:29ESV).
This verse is just flat out stunning and gets me every time. And the reason for that because it is part of Davids song of Deliverance and petition to God, but also because David was admiring his weakness before God. David was not afraid to admit his weaknesses and he knew very well of his faults so he was very familiar with repenting before God. However, these are not the only reasons this verse stands out to me. It stands out it is because this verse applies to humbling yourself before God and seeking his help in knowing we can’t do things without him that we can’t be self-sufficient. It is about being bare vulnerable and openly submitting that we as humans are not whole unless we have the love and light of Jesus Christ. This verse reminds me of a note that I wrote awhile back in response to this verse before and it still valid today.
“This lamp at my feet never wavers it is consistent with unwavering grace, it leads me in the direction of the light, and casts away all darkness that may be lurking in the background, this lamp at my feet withholds condemnation but gives mercy in return.”
“This lamp at my feet is directing my feet in the way of light that never grows dim, thus I have nothing to fear or worry, this lamp at my feet never grows dim in a storm but grows lighter as the night grows darker, this lamp at my feet is like a flame that never burns out or gets blown out, but instead is the only light in sight.” (Elizabeth Hughes, 2020)
Furthermore, if we seek God as our only light then he will reset our clocks just like he resets our schedules. He can reset our internal clocks on things that are eternal not what is earthly. It goes along with renewing our minds and setting our minds on Christ. So if your wondering what does that have to do with God being a lamp? It has to do with God shedding light on what we are listening to and what we have on repeat in our minds. And some things are not always our battle to fight, because sometimes we need the power of God to fight for us.
Thus, at times we need God to stand up for us and shine His bright lamp on situations, circumstances, and so forth to defeat what is coming against us. The point is very battle is not ours to fight, and sometimes we just need to sing a song of deliverance to God so He can fight for us. Like in the book of 2 Chronicles Jehoshphat seeks God and asks for his help, and God responds back to him by saying, “You will not need to fight in this battle. Stand firm, hold your position, and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf. O Judah and Jerusalem, Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed. Tomorrow go out against them, and the Lord will be with you.”(2Chronicles 20:17ESV).
At times we are just called to stand firm and hold our position and believe God’s light shines and exposes all the darkness. However, at different times we have to stand up and fight the battle. Which is where God’s word and truth can be a light where there is only dark places to discern what we need to do.

Lamps Are more than table placeholders!
English Standard Version Study Bible (2008) Crossway Publishing, Wheaton ILL,
Pictures, 2020,