Guard the good deposit of the truth and good news of the gospel. Also, it is important to guard what God has already put inside of you and what He has equipped you with. So that we do not become bogged down by life or even the lies of the enemy which can mislead us.
Keep close to your heart what God has entrusted you with and the calling He has put inside of you. This means to hold fast to the truth and flee from anything that is not true.
Here's the thing, God equips us to do what He has called us to do with what He has already put inside of us by preparing the way. God is trustworthy and He only speaks the truth.
Also, what He has entrusted all of us with as believers is to further the gospel and make new disciples for those who do not know Christ.
We can do this by simply sharing the love of Jesus with others with words of encouragement, or doing things with intention that will bless others whether taking a meal or mowing someone's yard or by praying. The power of prayer is more than we realize or imagine within our minds.
Prayer is a tool to not only guard the good deposit of the gospel but also how we can further the deposit by praying over people with God's word.
Prayer is also a way to guard the deposit and what God is calling us to do by following the sound words of God by protecting what He has put upon our hearts.
Sometimes we are not supposed to share everything God has called us to do all at once. Instead, sometimes we need to share in different seasons of God's timing. The point is prayer is powerful and it leads us to have very honest conversations with God.
Here's the thing in learning how to guard the deposit God has entrusted us with we need to be honest with God first before anyone else. Because God can take our honesty more than anyone else on this earth ever could.
Plus, God can correct us in our secret place with him before we take things to other platforms to share. See we need time with Jesus before we can go out and share the gospel with others.
"Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you."(2Timothy 1:13-14ESV).
One of the important points that I want to make in this blog post is to not just guard what God has put within you. But also, do not give up on what God has spoken over you. Do not quit on what God has put within your heart or the desires that are there as well.
God has equipped you and qualified you to do everything He has created you to do. Even if you look foolish to others or crazy to some. You are not crazy to God.
So even if everyone around you tries to discourage you from believing the truth, remain grounded in the truth and guard the good deposit.
Even if you feel like Job did and everyone around you wants you to curse God with your lips and deny the goodness of God. I urge you to remain rooted in the word of God and let what others say go by the wayside.
So do not quit on what God has put inside of you to further His kingdom, but instead be refined through the fire to remain established in your faith. To continue following the sound words of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
"Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever amen."(Hebrews 13:20-21ESV).
The point I am making is even when you are faced with hard things or even people in general with hard hearts who have not truly experienced God's love that try to dissuade you from following hard after God. Do not let that detour you from believing God, because what God says withstands against all things.
What God says is eternal and it does not come back empty and whereas, what people say are merely opinions.
See it is God who is equipping us and has qualified us to do what He has placed within us, to begin with. And no one else has the authority to disqualify us from doing what God has called us to do. The only way other people get the opportunity to disqualify us is if we allow them the opportunity to do so.
Do not misunderstand me, we need community and fellowship with other believers. However, there have to be healthy boundaries in our relationships with fellow believers in Christ.
The point is when the truth is not being spoken between and among fellow believers, then we are not championing each other but tearing down what God is trying to rebuild within the kingdom of heaven.
As a reminder, God is the one who brings people together to connect and build relationships. God is the one who brings complete truth and unity. Plus Jesus is the one who puts all things together for our good to reveal the good deposit He has placed within us to share with the world in the right timing.
Reminders to ponder and think about:
God is trustworthy
God entrusts us with the gospel and good things
God equips and qualify's us to bring Him glory
English Standard Version Study Bible (2008) Crossway Publishing, Wheaton ILL,
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