The purpose of the Lord will stand above all else and everything else falls away. We cannot hide or run away from God because he sees all. Running away from the plans of God for our lives is complete foolishness.
Running away from relationships or friendships that are hard or difficult or even have conflict is a little foolish. We cannot always run away from something or someone.
And we cannot run away from negative things or from things that appear toxic. Instead at times, we have to face things and take responsibility for our actions.
Sometimes we have to stand up for ourselves and speak the truth. Other times we have to let God fight our battles but when those times come we have to discern when they are and humble ourselves to know when to bow out.
"All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the spirit. Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established. The LORD has made everything for its purpose."(Proverbs16:2-4ESV).
This whole year of 2020 looks a lot like a whole list of foolishness and lack of common sense. It also looks like plenty of plans that have fallen away or that have been ruined.
So what does choosing to walk in foolishness look different in different situations? What does that have to do with the purpose of the Lord?
Foolishness also looks like running away from what scares us but also rushing into things before knowing if it is right or not.
There is always a flip side of foolishness and walking in wisdom.
Like I have said in the previous post foolishness is easy to fall into but the wisdom of God is not out of our reach or beyond our grasp.
Although foolishness is easy to fall into we must hold fast to the fear of the Lord.
"When a man's ways please the LORD, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him."(Proverbs16:7ESV).
Being foolish and fleeing from God's wisdom leads to straying from the truth and falling into bearing false witness to things or even to friends.
On the flip side resting in the steadfast love of God is satisfying and refreshing to our souls. His steadfast love is comforting and a safety net.
However, walking in wisdom is about listening and accepting the wisdom of God. Which is why we must hold fast to God's commandments and have the good sense to make wise choices.
In complete honesty holding fast to God's wisdom and instruction means going against the ways of this world and the world's culture.
Holding onto wisdom and understanding it also means being a good friend to ourselves, but others by treating them how we want to be treated.
Also, it means being willing to be rejected by others, because people are going to reject the truth of God it is part of their free will and choice to either accept Jesus and his love. But they also have the choice to reject it as well.
I was writing in my journal the other day while studying the book of proverbs and I wrote this statement down. I'd rather be humble who walks in integrity than a fool who speaks lies or is a false witness to someone.
I share this is because speaking lies separates friends even close friends. It puts barriers and isolation between friends which causes strife.
Let me share an example of how barriers between friends can happen. Someone who chooses to walk in foolishness is more likely to believe a lie or lies about another friend rather than find out the truth from the source.
"A dishonest man spreads strife, and a whisper separates close friends. A man of violence entices his neighbor and leads him in a way that is not good."(Proverbs 16:28-29ESV).
So rather than finding the truth a fool will believe a lie spoken by word of gossip instead of seeking out the truth. Thus, a fool will not believe or see the best in someone. They believe the lie and see the worst instead.
In other words, a friend who is choosing to walk in foolishness is more likely to take offense at things or someone. Fools do not cover others in love but rather are offended at a friend over a simple misunderstanding.
Whereas, a friend who is walking in wisdom is more likely to seek out the truth from the source rather than believe the worst about someone. They also cover friends in love and forget offenses.
And they are more likely to believe the best about someone and see their value in Christ. Most of all those walking in wisdom also restrain their words and use self-control to tame the power of their tongue which either wields death or life.
That is the kind of friend we all should strive to be. The one who sees the best in someone, and who sees their value in Christ.
The point is friends do not let other friends walk in lies or believe lies about others. I am so glad Jesus is my friend and that he does not let me walk in lies and corrects me when I fall short in a loving way.
Trust me I fall short of his glory and his grace. I am not perfect but I am God's imperfect masterpiece that he created with his hands. I am also glad I have friends that build me up and encourage me to dig deeper into my relationship with Jesus.
If I am being completely honest, I have been an imperfect friend at times too. But then no one is perfect and all have fallen short of God's glory and fallen short of being a friend too.
What it all comes down to is our words have influence. They have the power to build people up or tear them down. Words have the power to bring people together or separate friends.
English Standard Version Study Bible (2008) Crossway Publishing, Wheaton ILL,