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God's Love Won't Run Out!

Elizabeth Hughes

I was reading the Psalms today and flipped to Psalm 145. Today I needed to be reminded of how God's kingdom and love is everlasting. As I got to verse thirteen, it struck me how God’s kingdom and authority has no end it's everlasting.

Even when we think God’s love can run out on us it won’t!

Sometimes we need a reminder God’s love won’t run out. A fresh perspective how we can lean on Him because God is always near. When we get a reminder like this, God draws us nearer to Him in the secret place to find rest beyond the worry we feel outside of His presence. In God’s presence we can experience the Lord's peace even when everything around us is falling down.

God’s love will not fall down on us but lift us up when we need Him.

His authority tears down the lies we believe so He can fill the dark empty places in our hearts that need His lavish love. As God reminds us of His everlasting kingdom we see a display of His faithfulness in a new light. We get to see how He is kind in all He does. God loves showing us His faithfulness in His words and actions.

This passage reminded me how God is faithful in everything He speaks and does. I love how David wrote the Psalms in honesty with all of his emotions. But He was honest in His praise. David gave God his entire praise and held nothing back.

I always find David fearless when I read about him. Yes, David is imperfect and made mistakes, yet he was a man after God’s own heart. That is every evident in the Psalms he wrote. In Psalm 145, I see a glimpse of how David discovered how God’s love is constant and steadfast. It is a display of God is always near to us.

Psalm 145 has brought to my attention how God is faithful in every word He speaks and action. He does not withhold things from us but gives abundantly to us His children. Even when we think things seem difficult, and do not believe we will make it through, God always provides a way. He is our way-maker who makes a way when nothing seems possible. God is the God of possible.

“Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures throughout all generations. [The LORD is faithful in all his words and kind in all his works.]”
Psalm 145”13 ESV

Even if you think or have lost faith in God’s faithfulness. Friend let me remind you God is good to all and is gracious to all. You are His child whom He loves. You are not past repair or too far broken.

God is near to you. Ready to catch you. Reach out to Him.

His love is abounding for you and steadfast for you. God’s grace is there for you ready to lift you up because you are too weary to hold yourself up. You don’t have to hold yourself up. His love won’t run out on you.

Call out to God and you will feel His nearness.

I know fear can hinder you from reaching out to God. But do not be afraid God’s love is greater than any fear that is coming against you. He is ready to preserve you and fulfill the desires you have because you love Him. Reach out to God even if it is a small praise. Let it ring out and praise His faithfulness.

The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desire of those who fear him, he also hears their cry and saves them.”
Psalm 145: 18-19 ESV



The Holy Bible English Standard Version, Crossway Publishing, Wheaton IL, 2001,



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2017-2021Created by Elizabeth

Pictures by: Elizabeth Hughes

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