Several things have been on my heart. Especially, when it comes to believing what God speaks to us is very important. If we take God at His word more often we would be less likely to fall into the trap of the enemy's lies.
For instance, when we take God at His word and believe what He says is true then we would become less likely to be stuck in fear. Plus, in taking God at His word we are reflecting on the light of what is true and holy.
Besides, when we take God at His word seriously our hearts can rest in His peace. When our hearts are at peace the striving ceases, we stop looking to be filled up in all the wrong places. Then we turn back to Jesus to lead the way. It is coming to a point of realization of we cannot do anything without Christ or apart from Him.
Jesus Christ is our anchor and saving grace. He takes what is torn apart and restores it to wholeness again. Jesus takes what is severed in pieces and refines it through holy fire to make it whole again. He also takes the heart of stone and makes it flesh again.
Jesus never leaves anything unchanged but changes it for the better. He takes the heart of stone and makes it soft clay to be molded into His likeness. Jesus takes the heart and makes it good soil to harvest.
So if you are at a point where you believe or think it is too late for God to move or change in something whether it is a circumstance or within a relationship, it is not too late because nothing is impossible with God.
I realize part of the statement has been said in the Christian circle many times, but it is true. God is limitless and has no boundaries when it comes to restoration or healing. He just asks for us to come with a willing heart to receive and be willing to believe what He speaks over us.
Jesus speaks with intention and purpose. His words are never wasted and He will never mislead us. He tends the soil of our hearts to prepare us for what is next. Yet, if we are not ready to receive what God is speaking over us, then our hearts could turn towards being hard as stone whether it is a form of pride or ignorance we are unwilling to admit.
However, when we willingly humble ourselves before God it gives him room to move with purpose to restore what needs healing in our lives. This is why Jesus is not afraid of our brokenness and why he is not afraid to go where other people will not go. Yet, God will also not force his love on anyone until they are ready to receive it.
Furthermore, when we listen and take what God speaks over us as absolute truth then His lavish love can pour out over the places we have kept hidden from others or even from ourselves. God tears down the high places in our hearts. But He is also not afraid to break down the walls we've been too scared to fight through.
Yet, when we let God's light in we do not feel the need to let pride get in the way because we realize we are safe in Jesus. See God has this way about Him where He calls us out from hiding but we are not afraid to come out. His love pours out on us so that we do not feel condemned when His light exposes our sins.
However, when we realize where we have sinned we come to a point where we can walk away from it because God's love helps us to turn away from it where we no longer need it.
Moreover, when we take God at His word the burden we have put on ourselves to accomplish things or get things done by ourselves is lifted off we are free to rest in God's peace instead of striving with fear. Besides working God's way is far greater than working our way.
The biggest takeaways we realize when we take God at His word and believe what He speaks is how God does not withhold His promises. God does what He says He will do. God puts things and people together no one can separate.
God unites what is divided and restores what is torn apart. God takes what is dead and brings it back to life by raising it from the dead. Whether it is our hearts or minds or anything. God is powerful and holy.
If you are wondering how can I take God at His word more?
Then, start putting away the thoughts of God cannot do this or that. Put down the thoughts that it is too late to do this or restore a relationship. If there is a trauma that has affected your perspective of how good and just God is.
Then cast those thoughts away and put at the forefront of your mind how merciful God is. Go before God in prayer and open your heart to Him. Do not avoid exposing your heart before God because he is the one who can fix it.
If we avoid opening our hearts up to God then we run the risk of hiding from love and relationships or friendships with other people as well. Besides, if we remain hidden from being vulnerable with God and people then we lose out on hearing God speak to us through the people He places in our lives.
There is something I have learned about God and my relationship with Him is nothing is casual with God. He does not stick to the surface level but digs deep to remove what needs to be taken away. God digs deep into the soil of our hearts to refine what needs to be purified. To remove the impurities which have blemished our hearts from reflecting more of His light.
Remember God's light shines even in the dark places because light casts out darkness. Darkness cannot remain when light is visible. Plus God does not let us walk alone whether we are in good places or tough places God is always with us. And we can trust what God speaks to us no matter what. God has proved Himself trustworthy time and time again.
Although when we go through hard times we do not always see the light. We can still trust God is moving. There is a time we have to come to the point in our relationship with God where we have the faith to withstand the hard times. We have to have the grit to stand firm in what God speaks over us.
We have to come to a point where we are willing to take a stand in our faith to believe God over what the circumstances look like. We have to choose to believe God is telling the truth and not give up.
For example, Jesus is the good shepherd and we are the sheep that follow Him. Sheep or lambs are referred to as dumb, but they will not follow a stranger's voice only the shepherd's voice. So maybe the question should be, is sheep dumb if they do not follow the voice of strangers?
The point is maybe we should be more sheep-like and not follow the voice of strangers but only follow God's voice. God does not mislead us. God is truth and there is no darkness in Him.
The bottom line is our hearts can be the good soil that reflects God's light.
English Standard Version Study Bible (2008) Crossway Publishing, Wheaton ILL,
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