We are called to walk in the ways of the Lord. To hold fast to his love and wisdom. But we are also called to not walk in foolishness or crooked speech. And to not walk in discord with fellow believers or non-believers.
Yet, Common sense and wisdom seem to be far from this year and have gone out the window of 2020.
The theme for this year could be lacking in wisdom and stumbling in foolishness.
Please note everyone has had foolish stupid moments in life and fallen short of the glory of God.
This year has also been a year of planning loosely and don't schedule to permanently or down to the minute. It seems plans to change every minute or the very next day, concerning the pandemic.
Let's just say there have been many times where I have prayed to God asking Him to mold me into more in his image and help me to not be foolish or walk-in foolishness.
In complete transparency, I want to share that reading the book of Proverbs has not been easy in the past for me. I have struggled to understand it and gain wisdom from it. Honestly, it has seemed daunting in the past as well.
However, I have just started reading it with a wonderful group of women virtually. And the Lord has given me a fresh perspective and fresh eyes to see this book in the Bible in a whole new light.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes, fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones."(Proverbs 3:5-8ESV).
God is trustworthy and he will make our paths straight. Yet, we cannot walk in sin, foolishness, discord, or have a heart dishonest. In everything we do, we must acknowledge God and seek him. We must seek his truth and wisdom.
God's truth and wisdom is a refreshment and healing to our bones and our hearts.
Pride is a man or woman's downfall and leads to foolishness. Yet the wisdom of God is nourishment to the soul and hidden treasure to seek.
Be attentive and keep hold of God's wisdom and position yourself to receive the truth.
"But the path of righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full day. The way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know over what they stumble. My son, be attentive to my words, incline your ear to my sayings. Let them not escape from your sight; keep them within your heart."(Proverbs 4:18-21ESV).
When we are walking in the path of righteousness we shine like the light of dawn, which shines brighter than the sun.

The truth of God should not leave us and we should not forget what it says. Instead, we need to hold fast to the truth and never let it go. For it will guide us and give us direction.
Now that does not mean there won't be times when we feel we are sitting in darkness or troubles or trials will come at us. But God will be there with us through it all. He says his wisdom will refresh us and heal us.
So we have to ask ourselves who will be our source? Who will supply us with the information that we need and who will give us what we need?
The world and the culture of this world do not satisfy like the love of God and his word. God fills the thirsty and those who are hungry with the bread of life and living water. We cannot rely on propaganda or fake news suppliers. The only good news is Jesus Christ alone.
Let me explain that if we reject the truth and wisdom of God we will experience consequences, discipline and we will end up walking in a deep darkness that sees no light or hope.
Although there is that choice we have to choose, the better option and experience is inclining our ears and hearts to God's truth. Also, God makes it clear he wants to make his words known to us.
And those who thirst for understanding will gain guidance through the Holy Spirit. In chapters 1-4 of Proverbs, it is very clear that anyone who chooses to walk in foolishness flees from wisdom and hate knowledge.
Also, those who willingly walk in foolishness speak with perverted speech and have no discretion. Which means they could lack common sense.
From my perspective, I do not want to walk in foolishness or run from God's wisdom, because I want to know him more. I want to receive the invitation he extends to me to have his understanding and wisdom. Running away from the security and shield that God gives us when we seek him seems silly to me because I want to soak everything in that God is willing to pour out on me.
And I want others to experience this goodness of God too because his love and truth is all about sharing. There is always enough to go around. God does not run out of anything. On a funny note, He does not even run out of toilet paper or coffee so we are all safe.
English Standard Version Study Bible (2008) Crossway Publishing, Wheaton ILL,