Ironically, like most people, I do not like the yucky word called "pride" because there is nothing fun about it nor anything appealing or attractive about being prideful or proud.
Plus there is a negative connotation to pride or a stigma to it that makes everyone flee in the other direction. This is why we need to drop the pride and cling to the love of God.
Yet, let's face we have all dealt with pride in our lives and come face to face with thinking of ourselves as better than others or that we are not enough.
Whether it is in the form of arrogance or inferiority pride sneaks in and separates us from the presence of God. And drawing near to God, because pride is underneath the surface of the root sin.
And I believe everyone on this earth has probably let pride control their lives or their thoughts instead of submitting to God and changing thought patterns.
Also, I can probably say everyone does not like hearing the word pride because it becomes a stronghold of excuses to not step out in faith and follow what God calls us to do.
In all honesty, the Lord has been convicting me of my pride of inferiority and how I have let it separate me from God's presence and how I have let it keep me afraid to embrace new things, new friendships, and even romantic relationships from the past.
God has also been revealing to me how stuck I have gotten in the past in this cycle of wrong thinking where all I could think about "Am I ever going to be enough"?
And how I let this control not just my thinking but also my emotions which is not good and not healthy. Thankfully God has broken this stronghold of pride and He is helping me walk away from it. But God has been unveiling how powerful it was over me and how I must not fall back into this pit of pride that is toxic.
Just because I was stuck in this thought pattern that I was not enough or worthy of someone else's love. Which I realize now was completely dumb and silly.
Yet, in looking at it from a new perspective and conviction God has been showing me recently that pride of inferiority has kept me in this circle of emptiness and loneliness.
For so long I was in this rut of believing false things about myself that I began to believe I was inferior to others because at the root I was comparing myself to other women.
Instead of seeing who God created me to be in His image. And realizing champion other women than competing with them was what God was calling me to do.
Yet, God has been revealing to me that I cannot stay stuck in old thought patterns nor can I stay stuck in believing lies from the enemy or lies about myself that I kept rolling through my mind. But now I need to let go of hurt, of old wounds, un-forgiveness, and bitterness to move into new things God has for me.
Moreover, I have learned pride in whatever form it takes leaves you miserable and alone without hope. But the outpouring of God's love leaves you filled to the brim bursting with joy and grace. God's love is hope that our souls need to thrive on.
Thus, we must learn humility is the key to being in the presence of God and drawing to Him as well. Humility takes the pressure off of us for performance and lets us bear our souls before the throne of God.
Humility is submissiveness unto God's authority and letting go of unrealistic expectations on life to rest in God's presence. The point is sometimes God gives us new thought patterns for an old system that needs upgrading.
For instance, pride keeps us locked in self-love instead of how humility puts God first. Pride also isolates us from other people because it keeps us focused on what people have done to us by being stuck in bitterness.
Whereas we need to be humble and focused on forgiveness by learning how to love others who are hard to love. And being focused on how to put others before ourselves would be mean being selfless. Compared to being selfish and self-absorbed which is not an attractive trait to have.
Pride, keeps us in the dark and away from the truth where we can only see so far in front of us with no light. And no illumination to see past ourselves. This is why we need God, and why we need to cling to humility and flee from pride.
It is also the reason we need to resist the devil and how we need to submit to God. Without God, we can do nothing on our own. But with God all things are possible. Even walking away from the stronghold of pride in whatever form it takes we can break free with the power of God's love and His presence.
If we try to do things on our strength we will fail and fall short. We will continue to remain in this old cycle of thinking of comparison and will remain stuck in a stronghold of pride. Although on the other hand when we submit to God cling to Him we can be free from sin and pride.
In transparency pride of inferiority has been trying to creep back into my mind and heart. But I must fight it and remain rooted in the truth of God and abide in Christ.
Also, I must cleanse not just my hands but also my heart must be pure before God by confessing my pride of inferiority before the throne of God.
Here is the thing, pride sneaks in unexpectedly when we least expect it to. It creeps into our lives just like how the shadows creep in when the light goes down from the sun.
Pride is hidden beneath the surface level that is why it cannot always be seen or known right away. This is why we also need discernment from God to know where pride is and so we can break free from it.
The point is if we do not realize where pride is hidden in our lives or where it is trying to creep in. Then we will not know how to combat it or break free from it.
"But he gives more grace, Therefore it says, "God opposes the proud but give grace to the humble. Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded."(James 4:6-8ESV).
English Standard Version Study Bible (2008) Crossway Publishing, Wheaton ILL,
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