I love reading and being inspired to say yes to God. In Amber's book "I'll Say Yes" she challenges us to dig deeper in our faith to step out when God ask us to say yes. Let's be honest with ourselves we have all the excuses to say no to God and why cannot do what God is asking us to do. However, in Amber's book she shares how she overcame those excuses by starting to say yes to God in the simple yes's.
In saying yes to God in the simple things we are taking baby steps to be able to take the bigger steps of faith for the bigger yes's. Amber shares how she had to step out in faith by doing things she was scared to do at first, but then realized it was not just a divine interruption it was a divine appointment to be where God wanted her to be at that time. There are times where our availability to God is more important than our ability to do things. Sometimes God just wants us to be in a certain place so He can use us and speak through us to reach out to others to hear the good news of the gospel.
I love how Amber shared in her book how we have to be willing to set aside our agenda's for God's in following His leading. Which means we have to be willing to flexible. Being flexible in following God means letting go of our unrealistic expectations to embrace His unfailing love. In saying yes to God we are making room for the opportunity to experience God in a new way. When we say yes to God we are creating space for God to move in ways we have never seen and for the chance for Him to take us places we have never been before.

Saying yes to God is about positioning our hearts to be willing to follow God even if we look foolish or are even called crazy by some. See God wants our full attention on Him not on the things of this world. Amber's book really challenged me to seeing how saying yes to God is not something we should dread but something we should look forward to as an opportunity to serve God in a special way. By honoring Him in what He asks us to do.
Even if it is just a simple task of praying for a friend or taking a meal to a complete stranger. Amber's book helped me see how saying yes to God develops grit in us to stand firm in the truth and not waver from it. In how Amber shared her stories in this book helped me to see I can do what God asks me even if I am scared or feeling not equipped. Because God will equip me to do what He asks me to do. He will do the same for you. By saying yes to God we have to be willing to look foolish or crazy even if others call us crazy. The opinions of others do not matter. It is the approval of God we need to be thinking about not the fear of man.

God does not call us to be afraid of man. He calls us to love and serve Him. In her book Amber challenged me to look deeper at why I was hesitating in saying yes to God. In digging deeper with God in why I was hesitating I realized that I wanted man's approval instead of wanting God's approval more. But I also realized that God wanted me to desire His approval above everything else. This ties back to being willing to be called crazy for saying yes to God, because in saying yes to God, people will not always understand what God asks us to do. We have to be willing to have our hearts positioned to take a leap of faith in stepping out for God.
Saying yes to God is choosing to follow after God with your full attention and affection by holding nothing back. Are you willing to say yes to God? Are you willing to following God?
In the end my thoughts are "I'll Say Yes" by Amber Olafsson is a must read. The stories she shares about saying yes to God will make you laugh and see how great following God is so wonderful. Amber's book will challenge you to dig deeper with God and help you see how saying yes to God is worth it ever single time!
Graphics and Quotes Shared from: Amber Olafsson, I'll Say Yes, and Trust God with the Rest, United House Publishing, 2022