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Joy & Delight in Wisdom

Elizabeth Hughes

Joy is within wisdom it is a treasure to seek out. But we have to be willing to dig it out. We have to be up to the adventure of seeking out the joy in finding wisdom in God.

But there is a deep contrast between seeking joy in wisdom and clearly walking in foolishness or just being blatantly stupid.

For example walking around with offenses and un-forgiveness, anger, or just being offended for the sake of it to protect ourselves from people hurting us again is foolishness.

Foolishness can also be putting different priorities ahead of following God. Whether it is a job or work schedule or placing people or objects ahead of loving God.

A person's schedule can tell you a lot about their priorities and what is important to them. I am not here to point fingers or judge but here for a heart check.

Yet, foolishness is easier to fall into than we think or realize. But wisdom and joy is not something out of our reach. Instead, wisdom and joy is something we can reach out to God for.

Wisdom and joy is something we can grab ahold of and it is also something we can sit at the gate of the Lord to seek out.

Lying is foolish in a way because we not only lie to others to either protect ourselves or to protect them. Also lying to ourselves about things is foolishness too.

"The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice."(Proverbs 12:15ESV).

Besides, that foolishness can also be a slandering speech that belittles or dehumanizes others. What we speak has power it can either breathe life or it will breathe death.

There is power in the words that come out of our mouths.

There is power in keeping our word to people and living with integrity. If we do not strive to live with integrity then we reveal to people we are untrustworthy.

Our words have influence that either draws people to Christ, or it makes them flee.

Thus, wisdom takes delight in the truth and delights in the instruction of what God speaks.

We should not neglect what God speaks over us and through His word.

Let's also not forget the Word of God is living and active. It pierces our souls and spirits right down to the hidden places hidden in the darkness waiting to be exposed by the light and joy of God's spoken word.

The point is those who walk in the righteousness of God are God's joy and delight. Then He pours out that joy and delight into our spirits which cannot be contained.

It is also something that brings peace and joy. Also, those who take delight in seeking God, and His wisdom are considered a delight in Him.

"Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight. A Prudent man conceals knowledge, but the heart of fools proclaim folly."(Proverbs 12:22-23ESV).

There is joy in wisdom and gaining insight from God because when we position ourselves to hear His wisdom we experience the joy of the Holy Spirit. He pours out his favor upon us which brings joy because he loves us.

In all honesty, I have never thought about joy being in wisdom, but there is joy in it. Wisdom brings understanding and in understanding, we find joy in how God makes Himself known to us.

On the other hand, I have never thought about foolishness and stupidity in the same category. For example, I have always considered being gullible as being foolish.

Although, I thought in the past stupidity is doing something in ignorance. I never thought foolishness and stupidity as the same thing.

"Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid. A good man obtains favor from the Lord, but a man of evil devices he condemns. No one is established by wickedness, but the root of righteousness will never be moved."(Proverbs 12:1-3ESV).

If you are wondering how joy applies here, listen up, and lean in close there is joy in seeking the Lord and drawing close to Him. It is also in being rooted in God's love.

There is joy in finding the Lord and seeking Him out.

And being rooted in God's love starts with abiding in his love which refers to following the ways of God and by accepting salvation, believing what He says is true, and by not doubting the truth.

However, there is no joy in being foolish or choosing to live in foolishness. Instead in choosing foolishness, we would fall into the trap of sitting at the door of temptation. And we would also scoff at the wisdom of the Lord.

This is not something we should fall into, but something we need to flee from. There is no joy in choosing foolishness or being stupid.

Choosing to walk in foolishness is like choosing to walk around in deep darkness of hopelessness and depression.

Whereas, walking in wisdom and joy involves positioning our hearts and ears to hear the truth of God.

Let me just say we have all been foolish at times, and we have all fallen short of God's glory. But, the question is where are our hearts?

Are we following after something we want? Or are we humbling ourselves before God and asking him what have you called me to?

Just some questions and food for thought.


English Standard Version Study Bible (2008) Crossway Publishing, Wheaton ILL,



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2017-2021Created by Elizabeth

Pictures by: Elizabeth Hughes

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