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Leaders Rise UP

Elizabeth Hughes

There is something that I want to share that might be intriguing to some. It is the difference between leaders who rise to make change and influencers who start trends.

This blog post will not be on statistics or numbers or the difference between the two things. Instead, it is about how or what change is brought about in comparing the two.

As Christ-followers we need to rise up and become better leaders. Instead of copying what influencers do. Influencers start a trend. But leaders do the hard things that no one else wants to do even when it is behind the scenes. Influencers copy what is easy and indulge their insecurities to gain pity, not respect.

Leaders who rise up and do the hard things have integrity and are willing to pay the price to live by integrity and character. Whereas, influencers only serve and do what is beneficial to themselves.

See influencers conform to the patterns of this world because it looks or sounds good. On the other hand, leaders who rise up conform to the patterns of Christ and the renewal of the mind through the work of the Holy Spirit.

It is the love of God and the work of the Holy Spirit that can transform our lives, hearts, and minds.

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."(Romans 12:2ESV).

Moreover, to rise up and become better leaders we need to remember and remind ourselves of the grace of God in how we are made alive in Christ. We are no longer enslaved to sin nor are we enslaved to the old covenant law. We are under the new covenant made alive in Christ.

This means since we are no longer enslaved to sin we can live in freedom and we can be transformed to rise up and become more like Christ lead like He led the disciples and everyone who followed Him.

We need to remind ourselves that we have died to what held us captive in the flesh and sin. See when we accept Christ and accept the gift of salvation our old self falls away because Christ has made us new creations.

The difference between leaders and influencers is, leaders see beyond opinions and situations to solve the problems. Whereas, influencers only dwell on the problems and imitate fake stuff or lies.

The point is as Christ-followers we need to imitate Christ, not this world. God did not create us to conform to this world or its patterns. He created us to conform to His image God's image.

The thing is, the world wants us to dwell on earthly things and things of the flesh. And the world also wants us to conform to its patterns to dwell on fame, money, pride, to become one of its influencers who promote trends, not truth.

Trends may last for twenty-four or more or however long it lasts in the viral world that influencers us. But the truth of God withstands all things in comparison to the trends of this world. The truth of God is what leaders rise up to stand on because they know it is worthwhile.

This is why as leaders we need to keep away from imitating fake stuff and opinions and instead hold fast to imitating Christ and the truth.

The love of Christ is what lasts and is unconditional. Whereas, the love of this world fails and falls short. It is the love of Christ that empowers leaders to rise up and stand up for what is right. Whereas, trends that influencers may use do not empower others but instead just distract us from seeing the whole truth.

Let me just say leaders can use trends to influence people as well or use similar tactics, but the motivation is different. The drive to reach people is different. Influencers use things for either personal gain, entertainment, or fame, to gain recognition.

In comparison, leaders who are Christ-followers rise up to reach people to share the truth with them and show them God's love through their leadership. The point is leaders knowingly take the risk of losing followers or people around them to speak the truth in love.

Let's face it either direction a person chooses there is a price to pay. If you choose to become a worldly influencer you gain fame for a trendy while. But you lose integrity and character in the process because you become something you were not meant to become.

Whereas, leaders gain respect and take the time to consider the outcome of who they are imitating. This is why leaders hold fast to the truth and run from lies or from misleading other people in the wrong direction.

Leaders who are Christ-followers invest in their faith which is in Christ Jesus not of this world. Influencers only seem to invest in themselves, not in the lives of other people. True leaders come alongside others to help champion them to reach their goals. Influencers champion themselves not championing to help other people.

This may seem harsh but it is something that I have been noticing in the trends and what has been happening lately. For instance, people are turning to influencers that may have huge followings on social media instead of going to wise older leaders who have been around longer than the influencers have been around breathing.

What we should be asking ourselves is, are we willing to count the cost of being a true leader who followers after Christ? Or are we weak in only wanting fame for ourselves to merely become influencers?

Let me remind you that Christ, was not always well-loved or received when He walked this earth to fulfill His Father's will. Christ was hated, disliked, and chased away from different cities.

Yet, Christ was a leader who was perfect in every way. He made the ultimate sacrifice willingly by dying on the cross for us by defeating death and sin. Christ considered the cost and fulfilled His Father's will.

The examples of Christ's leadership reveals that we do not have to copy what the world does because we have been made set apart by God in His image. His leadership is also a display of humility, healing, and restoration.

This is why we must imitate Christ because He is worth imitating.

It is also the reason leaders find truth where it is hard to find and look to change what is broken. Leaders rise up from their benches to make a difference.



English Standard Version Study Bible (2008) Crossway Publishing, Wheaton ILL,

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2017-2021Created by Elizabeth

Pictures by: Elizabeth Hughes

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