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No Never...Never…Never…Yes

Elizabeth Hughes

No Never...Never…Never…Yes

A Heart of No Never To Yes

Have you ever told God something you would never do something?

Or have you ever told God you would never change your mind about something?

But then somewhere along the lines, your heart changed towards what you said you would never do or even contemplate. There is this thing about God how He simply softens our hearts to flip from what we thought we would never do, to say yes.

Somewhere between our stubborn defiant streak of wanting to follow our way of doing things. God has this gentle way of transforming our hearts and minds to think differently about what we never thought we would do. He has this way of transforming our hearts and minds to see things from His perspective instead of our limited view of things. It's kind of funny how God changes our hearts and minds about things from no never to yes because He has this way of changing what is impossible to possible.

For example, if you have ever told God no never about something, I can probably bet it is way outside of your comfort zone. Most things we say no never to are outside of our comfort zones. Yet, God gently takes us outside of our comfort zones to say yes and to see things in a new light. I love how God sweetly shines a new light on something we've seen many times before and said no never to before. God has this way of awakening something new in our hearts that makes us come to our senses to see it in a new light.

However, when God sheds new light on whatever we said no to, He turns the tables on what we thought we knew to reveal the truth. The point is sometimes our perspectives can be off because we make assumptions or presumptions about things we are not able to see the truth. There are times we need to sit back and listen to what God speaks to us so we can hear what He says instead of jumping to no never. We need to sit and listen for a change. So our hearts can be open and willing to say yes to God.

There are plenty of things I have told God I would never do or even consider. Yet, God has changed my heart and mind about some of those things. He gently awakened my heart to see things differently instead of my selfish perspective. For example, I thought it was completely crazy to even think about or consider writing a book or even being an author. But now I am in the process of writing a book and will be a published author soon. I never thought I would get here to this place but God has made it possible.

God has this way of being our way-maker and clearing all the obstacles out of the way. However, we do have to be willing to say yes to God and have an open heart to receive what He is doing. If we have our hearts closed off we tend to have the No…Never…Never…Never… mentality that leaves us in a stubborn mess of loneliness or isolation.

I have to share this story about my nephew. He's a toddler and in the phase of throwing fits and getting super emotional because he cannot handle all the big emotions, he is starting to experience. So when he does not want to do something he throws a fit. And he starts to say…No…Never…Never…Never…in this stubborn little cute voice that you cannot help but try not to laugh because it's super funny. But you also cannot allow him to get away with throwing a tantrum.

Anyway, I just find it funny how even as adults we can throw fits with God, and yet He still loves us when we mess up or say no. He still peruses our hearts to change it from No…Never…Never…Never…to yes. I love how God has this gentle way of opening our eyes and hearts to see the truth in a new light. He has this way of bringing revelation to us and revealing it in a way so we can understand. So that we can say yes without hesitation. Sometimes when God is changing our hearts from No Never to Yes we have to get to the point fear is no longer in the way of hindering us or paralyzing us.

Fear can be very powerful and hindering if we allow it to have that kind of power over us. It can even come in the form of self-sabotage in negative self-talk or even thinking along the lines of you are not good enough. Trust me I have been there many times and it is not fun or worthwhile. It left me in a dark place of isolation and insecurity that I was lonely. It was a place of darkness and negative thinking that I got so sick of it I just wanted to be free from it. So I called out to God to free me from this place of darkness and insecurity.

But God lifted me out of that dark pit and placed me in the light to shine for Him. I love that, but God times when He shows up big and picks us up or pulls us out of dark pits and places us into the light to shine for His glory. What powerful moments those are to see the mighty works of God's love overtake the darkness to bring out the everlasting light.

Have you ever been in a dark place thinking you are alone?

Let me tell you friend God is powerful enough to change your No…Never…Never…Never..Too…Yes.

So do not be afraid to step into what God is calling you to and what He is asking you to change your heart from No to Yes. Remember God is good and He is faithful.

  • Read: John 4



English Standard Version Study Bible (2008) Crossway Publishing, Wheaton IL,

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2017-2021Created by Elizabeth

Pictures by: Elizabeth Hughes

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