It’s been a while since my fingertips hit the keyboard to write a blog post…But here it goes…
Have you ever been bombarded with insecurities of insignificance?
First, let me share that even though God has delivered—freed me from the spirit of rejection. The enemy still tries his tactics of deceit to get me to doubt the goodness of God. The devil thinks he is clever but he is not. Yet somehow we can get easily distracted because he likes to twist the truth into his lies.
However, if we can recognize the lies quickly we can avoid getting trapped in deceitful lies. We can walk away from it free from the ties of bondage.
I will share the things he likes to use against me or twists the truth is how or what I am placing my worthiness in. If he can distract me with the lie that I am not good enough—not worthy enough—not worthy to be loved—not worth waiting for. These are some of the greatest fears that bombard my mind. In my waiting season, the enemy likes to attack in these weak spots to get me to doubt what God has spoken over me.
In all honesty, these are weak spots and I have to keep taking these back to God to flip the lies back to the truth. Because if I do not then I will become stuck in a thought pattern that is based on lies, not truth. It is when I get stuck in thought patterns that get me into trouble because I am not thinking or basing what I am thinking on the absolute truth.
This is where I can start believing the worst or thinking the worst about myself first before even others. This is where my mind gets me in trouble because I go on this tangent of basing what I am thinking off of what the enemy is feeding me. But I have realized that I must take these thoughts to God and lay them down at His feet to let go of them. Let me be honest sometimes these lies like to stick harder than super glue. This is why I have to continue to be diligent in prayer to praise God to break these lies off of me.
One way I take them back to God is by praising Him before I see the victory because I know God has already won the battle for me. I just need to trust Him. Which I know is hard, especially in waiting for something to come to pass, and waiting for the promises of God takes faith to stand firm in the truth and not waver from it.
Praising God before victory is seen takes the focus off the lies to refocus on the truth. The truth is what sets us free from the bondage of the lies that can hold us in a place of strongholds.
Yet, in praising God we are entering His gates with thanksgiving with a heart of gratitude that frees us from the stronghold of lies.
We just have to be willing to walk away from the hold of the lies to believe the truth. We have to be willing to praise God and seek His holy presence to refocus our attention on the truth not what the enemy is tempting us with.
“For the LORD is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.” Psalm 100:5 ESV
And we must be willing to do the work of continuing to take these things back to God so He can flip them back to truth instead of sitting in a lie. It is a process of diligence to believe the truth and to have faith in how the truth sets us free.
Prayer can help us to expose the lies we have been holding on to before we enter His gates with praise. When we start praising is when lies lose their grip on us because we are entering into God’s presence. That is where the enemy cannot touch us in the presence of God—is a holy place.
English Standard Version Study Bible (2008) Crossway Publishing, Wheaton IL,
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