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Purpose & Unconditional Love

Elizabeth Hughes

God created and chose you for a purpose. His love for you never fails and is committed to never give up on loving you. God never loses a battle because He already won the victory. God's love is the only thing we can truly rely on and depend on.

Have you ever really soaked in those truths about God before? In how abundant His love really is and how He always comes through for us?

It just completely recked me recently how abundant and fulfilling God's unconditional love is and how committed His love is. In how His love will never fail and will never turn His back on men or reject me.

This includes you too, He will never turn His back on you but will remain faithful. However, the only possible way God can reject us is if we reject His love and turn our backs on His love.

The love of God is the purest form of committed love there will ever be. God's love does not shame us and has wiped away all condemnation by dying on the cross.

See the love of God also fills the empty spaces of our hearts and the lonely places we do not want to go to or experience because it can be too painful.

Yet, God will lead us through the lonely places of the wilderness to get us to the promise lands of blessings that we need to come out on the other side. Jesus fills the empty spaces of the lonely places with His unfailing and unfaltering love that withstands all things.

Whereas, the world's definition of love does not withstand all things, but is not committed to anything except self. And the world's definition of love is so flippant that shame and condemnation can cripple someone in minutes.

However, it is the love of God that frees us from such things and gives us the freedom to turn away from shame and run back towards God. Also. when we move towards God we hear Him more clearly and His voice becomes crisper while the rest of the world fades away into the distance.

Thus, we must not doubt or jump ship on what God speaks over us, because God is the God of restoration and resurrection. He brings things back to life and restores what has been broken or lost. The thing is when we doubt what God has spoken we are doubting God's character and His promises by changing the truth He spoke over us for a cheap lie that Satan is trying to distract us with.

See the enemy will do everything in his limited amount of power to get us to doubt God and doubt what He speaks, but most importantly the enemy attacks us in our identity in Christ before he attacks other places to paralyze us in shame or fear.

Also, the enemy will try to get us to reject God to gain a so-called win. Shame causes us to hide from God because shame brings guilt and condemnation. Shame is what keeps our heads down.

Whereas, freedom in Christ brings liberty and victory to raise our heads and face God without shame because He takes it away.

Christ has already paid the high price for our shame, for sin, and gained the victory. So we do not have to walk in shame or past insecurity but can instead walk in victory in Christ by being in the presence of God.

By being in the presence of God we gain more of Christ. We get to go before the throne of the almighty God and there is none like Him. He is also the God of healing and restoration. The point is Jesus is everything and everything we need is in Him.

So the question that I have been asking myself here lately is, "Is Jesus enough, and do I want Him more than what He gives?"

Thus, I will pose this question to you, "Is God enough for you or do you want the healing or the thing you've been seeking more than Jesus?"

See God created us out of The committed unconditional love He has for us because in His eyes we are good very good. This brings me to the next point, in how God created us for a purpose to love in return and to glorify Him with our lives.

The second thing is, by being in the presence of God we are moving towards to hear His voice more clearly above all the white noise of life. Plus the more we know who God is the more know who we are in Him. It becomes more clear to us that our identity is not in what we do for a living but in who God created us to be.

Thirdly, in being in the presence of God we make room for God to fill the empty spaces of our hearts that need to be filled.

Moreover, in the presence of God, we are led out of the lonely places we are too scared to face on our own. Because God guides us out of those places through faith and His unconditional love. See we do not have to face things alone, because we have Jesus at our side.

But also, we need to remember not to reject God's unconditional love that He places before us. Sometimes God places all kinds of people in our lives to display His unconditional love.

So we need to be willing to take the hand of Jesus and let Him lead us for a change instead of trying to control what types of love we let inside our hearts and let God fill the empty places within our lives.

Thus, sometimes we need to just be the vessel God needs to fill. Instead of trying to be self-sufficient by fulfilling our own needs.

As I end this blog post I want to encourage you to sit and rest in the presence of God. And to go before the throne of God without shame or condemnation.



English Standard Version Study Bible (2008) Crossway Publishing, Wheaton ILL,

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2017-2021Created by Elizabeth

Pictures by: Elizabeth Hughes

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