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Put It Back in God's Hands

Elizabeth Hughes

You know how when God speaks something to you and you want to take control right away to make it happen?

For example, there is something inside of you that makes you want to run ahead of God's appointed time to get the blessing of the job, or the status, career, the relationship, the money. Whatever it is it has appointed time. When we do this we are running ahead of God's timing. This is where fake satisfaction is made. Compared to God's appointed blessing.

What can we do when we want to take control?

This is where we need to put it back in God's hands. Lay it back at His feet and surrender control. Otherwise, we will go crazy trying to keep up with the fake satisfaction we have tried to create for ourselves.

Another way we can put it back in God's hands is by standing firm in the quiet confirmations God has already given you before.

Remind yourself of the spoken promises He has already laid on your heart. What I mean by this is stand firm in the confirmations which confirm His spoken word over you. The things which confirm God's spoken word give us hope for what is to come.

The truth God has already spoken over you still stands.

It still has value and God's spoken promises have not fallen flat or deflated because they have not come to pass yet. It is coming just wait in the quiet confirmations.

Therefore, when you put back into God's hands what you are trying to over control will in the end give you peace. Just because the worry will be replaced with peace. This is easier said than done. I am preaching to the choir on this one. Sometimes it takes repeatedly placing it back in God's hands to realize the peace God is giving you.

In my journey of faith, I have realized when I try to take control of things that need to be placed back in God's hands. I have forgotten how God cannot go against His own good character because He is holy. God has no rival. God cannot go back on His own word. Meaning God cannot go against the good character He has shown us throughout the Bible.

I understand it is hard to wait in the quiet confirmations. And I also understand how hard it can be to put things back into God's hands. Yet, when we do this we can set our minds on what is above and what is coming. We can change our perspective to wait with expectation and anticipation. Instead of complaining all the time about what we do not have.

Moreover, in my journey of faith, I have realized how God reveals what I need to see, hear and know.

God illuminates what comes to the light.

God illuminates how shame has been lifted off of us.

God illuminates the path before us.

God illuminates what is within our hearts.

Plus when I have put things back into God's hands. He has given me either peace or even more confirmations to increase my faith. Now I realize this may not be the case for everyone or sometimes it can be hard to find or see these kinds of confirmations. Meaning sometimes they are not neon signs. Other times they are small moments that can be overlooked.

Putting things back into the hands of God is about not shifting or not losing hope in what God has spoken. But remain firm in the foundation of God's word.

"And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him, if indeed you continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard, which has been proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul became a minister."(Colossians 1:22-23ESV).

Besides, when we stand firm in the promises of God we gain peace to wait with anticipation. Waiting is a big part of the process of putting things back into the hands of God. However, sometimes I can make it complicated or more complex because I want all the answers from God right away instead of waiting with missing details.

This brings me to the next point in waiting and putting it back in God's hands we have to be okay with missing details. Like if we get the who and what. But we do not get where or when it will happen. We have to be okay with waiting for God to reveal it at the appointed time.

In end, I am saying stand firm on God's promises. Remain faithful to God and do not give up hope or lose faith if something has not come to pass yet. It will come at the appointed time.

God is trustworthy. Let God fight the battle you cannot. Stand firm in the quiet confirmations God has already given you.



English Standard Version Study Bible (2008) Crossway Publishing, Wheaton ILL,

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2017-2021Created by Elizabeth

Pictures by: Elizabeth Hughes

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