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Rest...Where to Find it!

Elizabeth Hughes

This year has started out like a non-stop roll that keeps on going. Has the year started that way for you? Have you been in this rut of striving? Do find it hard to rest?

Rest…It is such a small word but has a big meaning. To rest means to slow down and our souls. Striving must cease for us to find rest in Jesus.

If we do not slow down and take our time we become overloaded rut of always doing. Instead of being still to draw near to Jesus.

Sometimes it seems so difficult to rest. We live in a world that is fast paced always moving in motion. Rest is counter cultural. It is being still instead of pushing yourself into becoming a boss babe mentality. This mentality is on trend with a lot of this world and culture. Yet, all the striving that is attached to it leaves people more empty than before. When people become stuck in this rut of boss babe mentality of striving comes the self care trend. Exchanging these trends from one another will still leave you empty. The only way out is to rest in Jesus.

To get out of a rut of striving we have to be intentional about resting. We must make time to rest. It is choosing to sit and be still with God rather than continuing to stay in this fast pace motion of life. It is coming before Jesus and taking upon His yoke and letting go of our heavy burdens.

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you,  and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Matthew 11:28-30 ESV

Resting in Jesus refreshes our souls. It revives us to live from a place of rest. When we are living from a place of rest the appeal of striving loses it’s drive. The greek word for rest is “anapauo” which means remain, refresh, take ease, and rest. I have never thought about rest as being refreshed. But that is what God does for me is refreshes my soul when I take my burdens to Him.

When I let go of striving and trying to do everything myself is the time I need Jesus to give me His gentleness.

I have to get to the point of giving up and letting Jesus lead me.

It is so easy to live in the flesh and want to do or fix everything yourself. Asking for God’s help to rest is not always a piece of cake. Sometimes we have to realize we can get in our own way of not resting.

When we allow Jesus to give us rest we can let go of what has been holding us down and truly be refreshed by Him. He pours out His living water on us and revives our souls to rest in Him. The more you come to Jesus and take on His yoke the lighter you will feel. The less burden will be on your shoulders, because you surrendered to Jesus.

Resting in Jesus is intentional in choosing to be still.

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The Holy Bible English Standard Version, Crossway Publishing, Wheaton IL, 2001, 

Strong, James, LL.D, S. T. D., The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible, Nashville TN, Thomas Nelson, 1990 



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2017-2021Created by Elizabeth

Pictures by: Elizabeth Hughes

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