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Revived & Resurrected

Elizabeth Hughes

Are there things in your life you need God to resurrect? To bring back to life?

What do you need to hand over to Jesus to breathe His life back into?

Jesus has the power to resurrect you. Do you believe He can? The power Jesus used to resurrect Lazarus is the same power He has today to resurrect you. He has the same power to bring glory to God then is the same today and even tomorrow.

As we believe in God by having faith in Him we see the glory of God displayed throughout our journey. We get to see God’s lavish love being poured out in many different ways. His love pours out onto us and never stops.

I was reading in John 11 and it struck me how moved Jesus was by Lazarus death. He loved him greatly and wept for him even though He knew Lazarus was not going to remain dead but would resurrect him. I find this so powerful that Jesus knew He was going to bring Lazarus back to life but still wept for him.

It stood out to me how God’s love was displayed in Lazarus death and when Jesus resurrected him from the dead. It was an expression of love through a miracle of letting us see God’s glory through the hands of Jesus. His power is a manifestation of love that can restore what is dead and bring it back to life.

Jesus can bring back to life the dead things in us to be an expression of God’s glory throughout our lives. We just have to be humble to allow God to do it in us. We have to lay down our self-sufficiency to experience the resurrection power of Jesus in our lives. We can do this by allowing Him to remove the dead things in us that is not producing good fruit.

The more we lay things at Jesus feet the more we are realizing we need Jesus to resurrect the dead things in us that need Him to revive in us. Once we realize we need Jesus the more we can experience His resurrection power in our lives.

If there is something that you need to give to Jesus let Him resurrect it back to life. Let Him breathe His breath of life back into it. Allow Jesus to use it to glorify God with it by reviving it and restoring it back to wholeness.

He has the power to restore it and to bring it back to life.

Jesus has the power to restore you back to life to ask Him to do it and He will.

It’s time to open your heart and let God’s love breathe into you again. The time is now to start letting God restore you too wholeness.

Stop hiding from God an avoiding what you are afraid of.

Your fears are safe in the hands of Jesus to turn them into moments of brave courage.

With God we do not have to be afraid of anything.

He helps us become brave and fierce.



The Holy Bible English Standard Version, Crossway Publishing, Wheaton IL, 2001,



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2017-2021Created by Elizabeth

Pictures by: Elizabeth Hughes

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