Today, I am going to throw out some questions on here this week to challenge you and your thinking process. Do you need signs, miracles, and wonders to believe in God?
Will you take God at His word and believe just like that? Do you feast on God's word all at once like a thanksgiving dinner? Or is it little nibbles here and there?
There is no wrong answer we all start somewhere in our faith journey in how much we can digest and intake. However, we cannot become complacent in our faith but we need to increase in growth within our faith and learn to take God at His word.
Meaning we cannot depend on signs, miracles, and wonders to display confirmation to believe God and what He spoke. But instead, align ourselves with scripture to know and believe the truth.
See God cannot be limited nor can His ways be limited, because He does things in more than one way.
Believing God and taking Him at His word is like releasing fears or doubts and grabbing ahold of certainty of the living active word of God. It is also about getting over a fear or doubt which has had us paralyzed.
For example, I have been afraid to run and start running even after my broken ankle has healed from last year's break. And It is like how I have always wanted to learn how to ride a horse and would still love to. Yet, now I am leerier to do it because I am or could be afraid I might break my ankle again.
It is linked to this fear of the unknown, and what could happen. Even though I know I am stronger now and better than before. However, I do realize there is still going to be some weakness on the right side.
That fear of the unknown can cripple us into thinking we cannot do things God has called us to. See God calls us out to believe without all the details and with unknowns looming around so that we can learn to trust Him.
Taking God at His word is believing what He says without signs, wonders, miracles, and simply trusting His authority. It is like blindly believing without seeing.
At the end of John chapter 4:46-54, we see Jesus heal an official's son who is sick and dying. The interesting thing in this part of the passage is Jesus does not run to the child's bedside but points out to the official he wanted signs, wonders, to believe Jesus could heal his son.
Yet, Jesus heals the sick child not by publicly displaying a miracle, but by the power and authority of His spoken word. This is quite powerful and astonishing to me how powerful His spoken words are to us and for everyone who believes.
If we would just take God at His word more often we would be less stressed out and worried about the unknowns about life. And we would not be so anxious about not having all the details laid out before us.
For instance, take me for an example again. If I had a wonderful teacher who has been around horses and knows how to teach other people how to ride a horse I would and take that leap of faith of trying something new.
Although, I am not going to throw myself into a position of learning to ride a horse with someone who does not know anything that is just foolishness.
It would be the same for retraining to run again. Because I know my body and what strength level I am at. I know it is not best to run by myself without someone there to help if I fall. And because I know my right ankle is going to be weaker than the left. I know it is not smart to run full force all at once but to work up to it.
Even though there is the fear of the unknown I am going to have to face my fears. But I do not have to face them alone, because God is with me. I just have to remember the words God spoke over me and not doubt them. Since I do not want to fall into the trap of the sin of unbelief.
Furthermore, in taking God at His word, we need to remember that, God does not make mistakes or messes up or mix up His words. God speaks with intentions and with excellence. Also, when God speaks He sheds light in the dark spots and places inside our hearts.
Now let me point out learning to take God at His word is a process and something we have to choose to do and believe. It will not always come easy, but it is worth-while.
Here is the thing I have learned and thrived in taking God at His word. Firstly, would be my confidence in what God speaks and His love for me is good. It is not twisted or negative but based on the truth. The second is my relationship with God has grown. And I have learned, God does all things for my good because He is not limited.
Thirdly, I have learned in taking God at His word, I have fewer doubts and fears about things or things God has called out in me to do. This means I do not fear the unknown as much as I did a few years ago.
Lastly, I have learned, God does not go back on His word or His promises, but fulfills them in His timing not my own.
Most importantly, I have learned taking God at His word requires obedience and follow through. Which is one word that people, in general, dislike as much as the word submit. Because it is about humbling ourselves before God and putting His will first above our desires or flesh.
Plus, obedience and follow-through are not high on people's priority lists these days. However, to follow God, we must humble ourselves and we must also obey His commands.
Look at it this way following God can be like learning to ride a horse and trusting the horse knows the way home if you get lost. And it is about trusting in your heart and spirit the horse will not lead you in the wrong direction if you get lost. Because horses are smart and can find their way home.
This can be similar in taking God at His word, we have to come to the point where we know deep in our hearts God's word and what He speaks can be trusted above all else.
English Standard Version Study Bible (2008) Crossway Publishing, Wheaton ILL,
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