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Truth or Error

Elizabeth Hughes

We have the spirit of God in us so we do not have to fear. He is greater than who is in the world. We have his love and we do not have to be afraid. His love has conquered all and claimed victory over everything.

Because we have the spirit of God in us we can trust His voice. God does not lead us astray nor does he lead us down the wrong path.

Whereas, if we listen to the spirit of error then we will be led down the wrong path, the path of foolishness.

"Little Children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. They are from the world, therefore they speak from the world and the world listens to them. We are from God. Whoever knows God listens to us, whoever is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error."(1John4:4-6ESV).

We cannot live in fear and we must follow after Christ. We must remain faithful to what Christ has called us too!

We must not let distractions waver us from what God has called us to speak.

If we want to be influencers and leaders then we have to humble ourselves and be willing to submit to God's authority!

If we want to lead then we have to be willing to follow the truth and not be afraid to speak it at all times!

Mostly we can't afford to lose integrity in a world of lesser morals! Leaders have to be willing to have grit and walk-in lonely places. Leaders do not always have a platform to speak from.

"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God, and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. In this the love of God was made manifest along us, that God sent his only son into the world, so that we might live through him."(1John4:7-9ESV).

And if we want to be leaders of great influence then we have to be ready in and out of season to speak what God places on our hearts.

Moreover, if we want to be leaders who influence then we must be able to discern the Spirit of truth over the spirit of error.

We must also remember that there is a place for each of us at the table of the Lord.

We do not have to compete for God's love or his anointing on our lives.

Thus, We do not have to compete with each other for the same spot because God has created us each differently with our own unique story and message to share.

God has a place for each of us at the table so we can trust his leading.

Moreover, we do not have to compete for the same spot, because we are each created for a specific place and calling for our lives.

However, if we want to become a leader who is intentional and who is determined to speak the truth then we have to be intentional about the words we speak.

And we have to speak out, we can't bow down to lies or foolishness! We must become brave and we must stand our ground!

Yet, it is so easy to get entangled in a snare of anger or foolishness of pride, because we either want control over something or because we cannot let go of a past wound or hurt.

But we must hold onto the truth and not let go. We must also apply our hearts to the Lord's instruction so we are not led astray by the lies of the enemy.

Furthermore, the reason we need to hold fast to the Spirit of truth is we need the discipline of boundaries and self-control. Those things help protect us from falling into the trap of foolishness.

Whereas, the spirit of error will always lead us into trouble and it will even appear like the truth, but it is not. And the spirit of error will also put us in a position of compromise.

Now, let me be blunt we do not have time to fool around being in a position of compromise. Also, we do not have time to waste going in the wrong direction, when we have a specific calling on our lives by God.

If we compromise our position of right standing with God then we are taking the chance of rejecting God and eternal life. That is not something I am willing to give up or compromise.

Yet, if we seek the wisdom of God through the Spirit of truth then we will gain strength in the Lord and we will have victory in Jesus.

Although on the other hand if we dig a hole of foolishness then we are going to fall into that pit or hole without a way out.

This is why we must remember we cannot run away from what scares us because we must face our fears.

Also, we cannot harbor hurt feelings or un-forgiveness instead we must forgive with an open heart.


English Standard Version Study Bible (2008) Crossway Publishing, Wheaton ILL,

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2017-2021Created by Elizabeth

Pictures by: Elizabeth Hughes

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