Let the truth of God be your lamp which illuminates the steps before you. So let the lamp of truth cast out the darkness and foolishness of this world.
Open your mouth with the wisdom of God and let the law of kindness be upon your tongue. Remember the wisdom of God is a hedge of protection and a shield against the enemy of lies.
The wisdom of God reveals what is hidden and what is in the shadows. God's truth and wisdom also lift us up whereas pride is one's downfall. Which is why we must not be hasty with our words in how we influence others.
We must start and end with the truth of God by positioning our hearts and ears to hear the truth. So that we do not stumble into foolishness nor get entangled in a snare of anger or pride.
For those who walk in wisdom and righteousness, their steps are lit in the truth of God. Whereas, the foolish stumble into darkness and have no light in them.
"Haughty eyes and a proud heart, the lamp of the wicked are sin. The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty."Proverbs 21:4-5ESV).
"Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will stain mercy. Blessed is the one who fears the LORD always, but whoever hardens his heart will fall into calamity."(Proverbs 28:13-14ESV).
If you are wondering what this means, then or how we can apply this to walking in wisdom then you have come to a place of learning more about who Jesus is and how we can become more like him by walking in his wisdom.
What we can gather from this is if we become proud and unwilling to yield to the will of God then we will stumble into sin.
The light of God's truth will grow dimmer and dimmer because we will drift farther away from it. That is not good and something we need to avoid at all times.
Plus, whatever we place ahead of God's place in our lives or hearts becomes a false idol which then drags our attention away from God.
This is something that became very evident in reading Proverbs from the past month. In Proverbs it was made very clear we can't serve two masters.
We cannot be wise and walk in the wisdom of God and be foolish by continuing to sin. We cannot have our cake and eat it too in a manner of speaking.
However, when we fall down and miss-step into sin, then we must confess it before God. Also, we cannot harden our hearts towards God, but instead, yield to Him in humility.
I realize that for many people walking in the wisdom of God seems impossible or daunting to say the least. And it may seem to much to dig into or take up too much time. But that is far from the truth.
Yet, it is not impossible but rather a choice to slow down and think more logically or more rationally about choosing how we live and present ourselves to the world.
Trust me when I say walking in the wisdom of God can appear daunting but it is not.
Rather it is choosing to stop making excuses for not heeding the truth of God, and starting to listen and receive the truth.
How can we gain the understanding and wisdom God has for us. If we are frantically walking around too busy to listen?
It is about taking a deep breath and letting the peace of God fill you until you are overflowing that it spills out onto others.
The Wisdom of God lights the way in a dim and dark world. We have to remember to look up and reflect on what is truth not what is fake.
Let me share something that I have learned from others before me. Lies can appear like truth and seem like truth but they are not.
Thus, we must remember what we hear and intake must align with the truth of God. It must align with His word, otherwise, it gets thrown out.
The wisdom of God is a lamp to our feet which is lit in truth. So we must heed where the light leads us too.
"Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God. Whoever knows God listens to us; whoever is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error."(1John4:4-6ESV).
This speaks so richly right now because of the in an increase of news we have and everything that is within a fingertips reach.
We must slow down position ourselves to hear God's voice and take in his wisdom. If we do not slow down and listen then we are only asking for trouble and choosing the wrong influences to feed our souls.
If we want to know God and recognize his voice then we must seek Him out. We cannot do that if we are seeking the worldly things to fill our thirsty souls.
What we can gain from this is, God is within us and because He is in us we have overcome the world.
Thus, we do not need to worry or fret. Which I know is easier said than done. But we can also learn from these verses is the spirit of error is of the world and comes from Satan.
Moreover, I want to add, we must be bold as a lion in basing our faith in God's truth because where we base our beliefs will either lead us to abundant blessings or it could lead to a stumbling block.
Lastly, I will say when we walk in wisdom we gain strength. So if you are reading this I pray the Lord gives you the strength you need today.
English Standard Version Study Bible (2008) Crossway Publishing, Wheaton ILL,
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